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I need a give slot selected player item script


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Hello , i am trying to do a script that give a bucket when a player place water , but my script doesn't giving it in the current selected slot of the player 

there is my current script: 

on place water:
               execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:bucket"

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On 10/30/2023 at 8:44 PM, DanRub said:

Your Minigame probably override the skript, so the skript "isnt" applying while the game is started..

my script is working , but it just need to give the bucket on the current slot , this video is to show why i want this script (the script was not activated on this video)


Edited by AIGLE25
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On 11/4/2023 at 7:11 PM, DanRub said:

Wdym, just put this:

on block place:
    if event-block is water:
        set {_tool} to player's tool
        set player's tool to {_tool}
on place water:
               execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:bucket"


i exactly put

on block place:
    if event-block is water:
        set {_tool} to player's tool
        set player's tool to {_tool}

but it's not working , should i put something on {_tool } ?


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nvm , i found a solution.

it wasn't giving the bucket on my slot because the bucket was still in my hand during a moment before it disapear so it will give my bucket on a other slot but with this :

on place water:
     wait 5 ticks              
     execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:bucket"

it's fixed

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20 hours ago, DanRub said:

That's terribly inefficient, but okay.

yeah i know thats why i want to test your script and i found why it was not working , it's because i was using a old version of skript but after installing your script , it was still not working so i needed to modify it to add a delayer 

but if i right click with a block, it will give me a bucket 😕 , like the if water check doesn't work.



Edited by AIGLE25
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