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I Need A Random Item Every 10 Seconds Skript With Blacklisted Items, Messages And it has to be a activated by default



6 answers to this question

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Just now, TheCodingDuck_ said:

No need to create another thread 

He just really badly needs it tho 🙂



1 hour ago, tehthrtreh said:

I Need A Random Item Every 10 Seconds Skript With Blacklisted Items, Messages And it has to be a activated by default

Try this. Untested, but it parsed with no errors via parser.skunity.com

	Prefix: &2&l[&a&lRI&2&l]
	BlacklistPerm: Blacklist.Use

command /BlacklistItem [<text>]:
	permission: {@BlacklistPerm}
	permission message: {@Prefix} &cYou don't have permission to execute this command!
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&aHow to use%nL%&eHold any item in your hand, then type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm""%nL%&6If an item isn't added in the blacklist, it will add the type of block.%nL%&eOtherwise it will remove the type of block from the blacklist."
		else if arg-1 is "confirm":
			if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain type of player's held item:
				add type of player's held item to {RIBlacklist::*}
				send "{@Prefix} &aAdded item to blacklist!"
				remove type of player's held item from {RIBlacklist::*}
				send "{@Prefix} &aRemoved item from blacklist!"
			send "{@Prefix} &cYou must type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm"" to confirm!"

every 10 seconds:
	loop all players:
		loop 100 times:
			set {_item} to random element out of all items
			if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain {_item}:
				give loop-player {_item}
				exit loop





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This Is Great But I Need To Make The Random Items Togglable


command /toggle:
    if {%player%.random} = true:
      set {%player%.random} to false
      message "&6&l[ &e&lDupeBee&6&l ]&f » &7 You have disabled random items" to player
      set {%player%.random} to true
      message "&6&l[ &e&lDupeBee&6&l ]&f » &7 You have enabled random items" to player


But I also want to have blacklisted items @AgentGamerPro


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1 hour ago, tehthrtreh said:


This Is Great But I Need To Make The Random Items Togglable


command /toggle:
    if {%player%.random} = true:
      set {%player%.random} to false
      message "&6&l[ &e&lDupeBee&6&l ]&f » &7 You have disabled random items" to player
      set {%player%.random} to true
      message "&6&l[ &e&lDupeBee&6&l ]&f » &7 You have enabled random items" to player


But I also want to have blacklisted items @AgentGamerPro


literally half the skript is a command where you can blacklist items but ok.

Use this new one


	Prefix: &2&l[&a&lRI&2&l]
	BlacklistPerm: Blacklist.Use

command /BlacklistItem [<text>]:
	permission: {@BlacklistPerm}
	permission message: {@Prefix} &cYou don't have permission to execute this command!
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&aHow to use%nL%&eHold any item in your hand, then type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm""%nL%&6If an item isn't added in the blacklist, it will add the type of block.%nL%&eOtherwise it will remove the type of block from the blacklist."
		else if arg-1 is "confirm":
			if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain type of player's held item:
				add type of player's held item to {RIBlacklist::*}
				send "{@Prefix} &aAdded item to blacklist!"
				remove type of player's held item from {RIBlacklist::*}
				send "{@Prefix} &aRemoved item from blacklist!"
			send "{@Prefix} &cYou must type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm"" to confirm!"

command /RIToggle:
		set {RIToggled::%player's uuid%} to true if {RIToggled::%player's uuid%} is false, else true
		send "{@Prefix} &eToggled random items to %{RIToggled::%player's uuid%}%"

every 10 seconds:
	loop all players:
		{RIToggled::%loop-player's uuid%} is true
		loop 100 times:
			set {_item} to random element out of all items
			if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain {_item}:
				give loop-player {_item}
				exit loop





Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

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Post locked. Please open a new post rather than replying to an old thread!

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