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So i tried skripting keyall skript but it really didnt come out as planned...

So the skript is supposed to be working so every 30 minutes its gonna give u a afk key and before that it announces the time left until it gives the key, right now it just gives the key without saying anything.

command /keyall [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: keyall.use
    permission message: &cNo permission!
        server command "crates givekey * %arg-1% %arg-2%"
        server command "alert %player% has given everyone %arg-2% %arg-1% key(s)!"
every 25 minutes:
	server command "keyall1"

command /keyall1:
    permission: keyall1.use
    permission message: &cNo permission!
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        send "&7"
        send "&bKeyall happening in 5 minutes!"
        send "&7"
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        wait 4 minutes
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        send "&7"
        send "&bKeyall happening in 1 minute!"
        send "&7"
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        send "&7"
        send "&bKeyall happening in 30 seconds!"
        send "&7"
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        wait 15 seconds
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        send "&7"
        send "&bKeyall happening in 15 seconds!"
        send "&7"
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        wait 5 seconds
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        send "&7"
        send "&bKeyall happening in 10 seconds!"
        send "&7"
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        wait 5 seconds
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        send "&7"
        send "&bKeyall happening in 5 seconds!"
        send "&7"
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        wait 1 seconds
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        send "&7"
        send "&bKeyall happening in 4 seconds!"
        send "&7"
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        wait 1 seconds
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        send "&7"
        send "&bKeyall happening in 3 seconds!"
        send "&7"
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        wait 1 seconds
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        send "&7"
        send "&bKeyall happening in 2 seconds!"
        send "&7"
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        wait 1 seconds
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        send "&7"
        send "&bKeyall happening in 1 second!"
        send "&7"
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        wait 1 second
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        send "&7"
        send "&aKeyall completed!"
        send "&7"
        send "&3--------------------------------"
        console command "crates givekey * afk 1"


Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 8.06.59 PM.png

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