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Everything posted by asqx

  1. ik i gotta add this into the skript but i just dont know how to add it there
  2. So i made a skript so you can clear someone's enderchest with a command command /clearec [<offline player>]: permission: cometicbox.clearenderchest permission message: %{nopermmsg}% trigger: if arg-1 is set: clear arg-1's ender chest send "&dCleared &5%arg-1%'s &denderchest!" to player else: clear player's ender chest send "&dCleared your &denderchest!" to player
  3. Yeah, figured it out aswell, thanks!
  4. So i tried skripting keyall skript but it really didnt come out as planned... So the skript is supposed to be working so every 30 minutes its gonna give u a afk key and before that it announces the time left until it gives the key, right now it just gives the key without saying anything. command /keyall [<text>] [<text>]: permission: keyall.use permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: server command "crates givekey * %arg-1% %arg-2%" server command "alert %player% has given everyone %arg-2% %arg-1% key(s)!" every 25 minutes: server command "keyall1" command /keyall1: permission: keyall1.use permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 5 minutes!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 4 minutes send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 1 minute!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 30 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 30 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 15 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 15 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 5 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 10 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 5 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 5 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 1 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 4 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 1 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 3 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 1 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 2 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 1 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 1 second!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 1 second send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&aKeyall completed!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" console command "crates givekey * afk 1"
  5. Just a random thing i came up for my server command /pog: permission: pog.use permission message: &3/pog is not opened currently! trigger: add 1 to {pog.server} broadcast "&3&l%player% &bhas just pogged!" command /openpog: permission: openpog.use permission message: &3No permission trigger: server command "alert /pog has been opened!" server command "lp group default permission set pog.use true" wait 10 seconds server command "lp group default permission set pog.use false"
  6. on death of player: server command "eco give %attacker% 150" send "&bYou have killed &3%victim%&b and gained 150$!" havent tested it but yeah
  7. So i made a keyall skript and i do not know whats wrong with this. Code: command /keyall [<text>]: permission: keyall.use permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: server command "crates givekey * %arg-1% 1" every 10 minutes: server command "keyall1" command /keyall1: permission: keyall1.use permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 5 minutes!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 4 minutes send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 1 minutes!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 30 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 30 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 15 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 15 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 5 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 10 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 5 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 5 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 1 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 4 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 1 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 3 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 1 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 2 seconds!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 1 seconds send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&bKeyall happening in 1 second!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" wait 1 second send "&3--------------------------------" send "&7" send "&aKeyall completed!" send "&7" send "&3--------------------------------" console command "crates givekey * afk 1"
  8. I didn't want to use any more plugins + it didnt work when i tried it
  9. So i have been trying to skript this combat log skript. Everytime i hit somebody it sends the message "You are now in combat, don't log out!". I have been trying to fix it, i just cannot do it. Skript: on damage of player: attacker is player if {combatlog.%attacker%} is not set: send "&cYou are now in combat, don't log out!" to attacker and victim set {combatlog.%attacker%} to true set {combatlog.%victim%} to true set {combatlog.%attacker%.lastused} to now wait 15 seconds if {combatlog.%attacker%.lastused} was more than 14 seconds ago: send "&aYou are no longer in combat. You can log out safely now." to attacker and victim delete {combatlog.%attacker%} delete {combatlog.%victim%} delete {combatlog.og.%attacker%.lastused} on quit: {combatlog.%player%} is true: broadcast "&4%player% Combat Logged" kill player set {combatlog.logger.%player%} to true on join: {combatlog.logger.%player%} is true send "&4You were killed for combat logging" delete {combatlog.logger.%player%} on command: if command is "spawn" or "kits" or "kit": if {combatlog.%player%} is true: cancel event send "&cYou cannot do that in combat!"
  10. Maybe make /shiny? It only makes the item glow but it doesnt show the enchant
  11. and 2. now the combatlog doesnt work at all. with that skript u sent
  12. @nolando09How can I make it so if u are in combat already then u get him/hit somebody it doesnt say the message again
  13. I need help with fixing my combat log skript. If I throw a pearl and it lands, it triggers the combat log and puts me on an timer. Is there any way to fix this? This is my skript: on damage: if attacker is a player: if victim is a player: set {combattag} to 1 send "&cYou have combat tagged &4%victim%!" to attacker send "&cYou have been combat tagged by &4%attacker%!" to victim wait 15 seconds set {combattag} to 0 send "&aYou are not in combat anymore!" to attacker send "&aYou are not in combat anymore!" to victim on projectile hit: if projectile is a ender pearl: wait 1 tick set {combattag} to 0 on quit: if {combattag} is 1: kill player broadcast "&4%player% &cTried combat logging!"
  14. asqx

    Skript Problem

    Oh. This too. I suck at skripting so uh command /restart [<offline player>]: permission: restart.use.staff permission message: &cNo permission! usage: &c/restart (player) trigger: if {start::%arg 1%} is now: set {start::%arg 1%} to 0 send "&b&lBakedGens &7Re-Started %arg 1%'s /start!" it doesn't restart it.
  15. asqx

    Skript Problem

    Tysm, I have tried making it for so long omg Thanks!
  16. asqx

    Skript Problem

    Okay so im making my own gen server alone and I had an error with this skript: on first join: set {start} to 0 command /start: trigger: if {start} is set to 0: execute console command "give %player% white concrete named "&f&lSugar Generator" else: send "&b&lBakedGens &7You already have a plot!" Error: can't understand this condition: '{start} is set to 0' If you want to help me make the gen server (only for good skripters) dont be scared and DM me (CraftingHimself#1278)
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