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[!] making skripts


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6 hours ago, snnwer said:

ig this works

on damage:
	victim is a wither
	attacker is a player

	attacker's tool = iron sword
	uncolored attacker's tool's name = "hyperion"

	deal (final damage/2) to the victim

sure but actually make the sword

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Skript - 8 months

Minecraft - 8 years                         No Bitches?


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1 hour ago, snnwer said:

can you be more precise 

like make the swords name and lore also be there, so it will show hyperion, its ability, rarity, and whenther or not it can be reforged. Just look up Hyperion on the hypixel skyblock wiki


Skript - 8 months

Minecraft - 8 years                         No Bitches?


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2 hours ago, ButterflyBullets said:

like make the swords name and lore also be there, so it will show hyperion, its ability, rarity, and whenther or not it can be reforged. Just look up Hyperion on the hypixel skyblock wiki

here you go for the base sword

	clevel: %{catleve.%player%}%
	critdamage: 50
command metadatatest:
		set metadata tag "Hyperion" of player to iron sword named "&6Hyperion" with lore "&7Gear Score: &d615" and "&7Damage: &c+260" and "&7Strenght: &c+150" and "&7Intelligence: &a+350" and "&7Ferocity: &a+30" and " " and "&7Deals +&a50%&7 damage to" and "&7Withers. Grants &c+1 Damage" and "&7and &a+2 &bIntelligence" and "&7Per &cCatacombs&7 level" and " " and "&7You Catacombs level: &c{@clevel}" and " " and "&eRight-click to use your class abiltiy" and " " and "&8This item can be reforged" and "&6&lLEGENDARY DUNGEON SWORD"
		add (metadata tag "Hyperion" of player) to player

#on right click:
#	if event-item = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of player):
#		send "a"
on damage:
	if victim is a wither:
		if attacker is a player:
			attacker's tool = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of attacker)
			set {_s} to 150
			set {_crit} to {@critdamage}
			set {_b} to 260
			set {_d} to (260+5) * (1 + {_s}/100) * (1 + {_crit}/100) * (1+ ({_b}/2)/100)
			set damage to {_d}
		if attacker is a player:
			attacker's tool = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of attacker)
			set {_s} to 150
			set {_crit} to {@critdamage}

			set {_d} to (260+5) * (1 + {_s}/100) * (1 + {_crit}/100)
			set damage to {_d}

put the catacombs level var up in the options


math 😮

found here Strength | Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki | Fandom

Edited by BOXEY
Updated skript
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15 hours ago, BOXEY said:

here you go for the base sword

	clevel: %{catleve.%player%}%
	critdamage: 50
command metadatatest:
		set metadata tag "Hyperion" of player to iron sword named "&6Hyperion" with lore "&7Gear Score: &d615" and "&7Damage: &c+260" and "&7Strenght: &c+150" and "&7Intelligence: &a+350" and "&7Ferocity: &a+30" and " " and "&7Deals +&a50%&7 damage to" and "&7Withers. Grants &c+1 Damage" and "&7and &a+2 &bIntelligence" and "&7Per &cCatacombs&7 level" and " " and "&7You Catacombs level: &c{@clevel}" and " " and "&eRight-click to use your class abiltiy" and " " and "&8This item can be reforged" and "&6&lLEGENDARY DUNGEON SWORD"
		add (metadata tag "Hyperion" of player) to player

#on right click:
#	if event-item = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of player):
#		send "a"
on damage:
	if victim is a wither:
		if attacker is a player:
			attacker's tool = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of attacker)
			set {_s} to 150
			set {_crit} to {@critdamage}
			set {_b} to 260
			set {_d} to (260+5) * (1 + {_s}/100) * (1 + {_crit}/100) * (1+ ({_b}/2)/100)
			set damage to {_d}
		if attacker is a player:
			attacker's tool = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of attacker)
			set {_s} to 150
			set {_crit} to {@critdamage}

			set {_d} to (260+5) * (1 + {_s}/100) * (1 + {_crit}/100)
			set damage to {_d}

put the catacombs level var up in the options


math 😮

found here Strength | Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki | Fandom


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On 11/20/2021 at 12:04 PM, BOXEY said:

here you go for the base sword

	clevel: %{catleve.%player%}%
	critdamage: 50
command metadatatest:
		set metadata tag "Hyperion" of player to iron sword named "&6Hyperion" with lore "&7Gear Score: &d615" and "&7Damage: &c+260" and "&7Strenght: &c+150" and "&7Intelligence: &a+350" and "&7Ferocity: &a+30" and " " and "&7Deals +&a50%&7 damage to" and "&7Withers. Grants &c+1 Damage" and "&7and &a+2 &bIntelligence" and "&7Per &cCatacombs&7 level" and " " and "&7You Catacombs level: &c{@clevel}" and " " and "&eRight-click to use your class abiltiy" and " " and "&8This item can be reforged" and "&6&lLEGENDARY DUNGEON SWORD"
		add (metadata tag "Hyperion" of player) to player

#on right click:
#	if event-item = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of player):
#		send "a"
on damage:
	if victim is a wither:
		if attacker is a player:
			attacker's tool = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of attacker)
			set {_s} to 150
			set {_crit} to {@critdamage}
			set {_b} to 260
			set {_d} to (260+5) * (1 + {_s}/100) * (1 + {_crit}/100) * (1+ ({_b}/2)/100)
			set damage to {_d}
		if attacker is a player:
			attacker's tool = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of attacker)
			set {_s} to 150
			set {_crit} to {@critdamage}

			set {_d} to (260+5) * (1 + {_s}/100) * (1 + {_crit}/100)
			set damage to {_d}

put the catacombs level var up in the options


math 😮

found here Strength | Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki | Fandom

Super Alpha Gamer Detected


Skript - 8 months

Minecraft - 8 years                         No Bitches?


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Hi snnwer, 

I need skript, when you will do command /playergroups admins add <player> it will add player’s uuid to one variable named “Adminsuuid” and his nick to other one named “Admins” and it will send you “Added (player) to admins”, when you will do command /playergroups admins list it will send to chat you list of the players what are in variable “Admins” and when you will do command /playergroups admins remove <player> it will remove player’s uuid from “Adminsuuid” and his nick from “Admins” and it will send you “Removed “player” from admins”. (I am making skripts for my server with plugin Skript)

Edited by Madlirex
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On 11/27/2021 at 7:03 PM, Madlirex said:

Hi snnwer, 

I need skript, when you will do command /playergroups admins add <player> it will add player’s uuid to one variable named “Adminsuuid” and his nick to other one named “Admins” and it will send you “Added (player) to admins”, when you will do command /playergroups admins list it will send to chat you list of the players what are in variable “Admins” and when you will do command /playergroups admins remove <player> it will remove player’s uuid from “Adminsuuid” and his nick from “Admins” and it will send you “Removed “player” from admins”. (I am making skripts for my server with plugin Skript)

sorry for late response,

i can do an even better one:

command admins [<offline player>]:
  permission: op
  	if arg-1 isn't set:
  		send "&7Current list of admins: &c%{groups::admins::*}%"
		{groups::admins::*} contains arg-1's uuid:
			remove arg-1's uuid from {groups::admins::*}
  			send "&7Demoted &c%arg-1%"
			add arg-1's uuid to {groups::admins::*}
  			send "&7Made &a%arg-1% &7admin"


Edited by snnwer
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Could you try to make a Banner Maker GUI with skript. Essentially in 3 stages:
1. You select the background color of the banner.
2. Then you pick a dye color
3. Then a pattern (in the color you picked above)
4. Click on banner to get it in the player's inventory

It would be nice if (but if its not possible, that's fine):
- You could see the banner (maybe at the top) as you are editing it
- You can layer the different patterns such that it goes: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 2 -> 3 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4

I've made a kind of, concept of how it would look like (see images below). But it is not functional 😞

Thank you in advanced!!




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On 12/3/2021 at 8:35 PM, snnwer said:

sorry for late response,

i can do an even better one:

command admins [<offline player>]:
  permission: op
  	if arg-1 isn't set:
  		send "&7Current list of admins: &c%{groups::admins::*}%"
		{groups::admins::*} contains arg-1's uuid:
			remove arg-1's uuid from {groups::admins::*}
  			send "&7Demoted &c%arg-1%"
			add arg-1's uuid to {groups::admins::*}
  			send "&7Made &a%arg-1% &7admin"


Hi! Can you just say me how to make commands with multiple choices for 1 argument? Like how to make when you type command /playergroups admins list it will do something but if you do command /playergroups admins add <player> it will do something. I am having a problem with this I don’t know how to make multiple choices like that.

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