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A Skript for /joindate!


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Lets get down to Business,


What I Need:

/lastjoin <player> (tells you when somebody last joined the server)

/joindate (tells you when you first joined the server)

/joindate <player> (tells you when a diffrent player first joined the server, only works if you're opped.)

Date Format, dd/mm/yyyy


Thanks! 😁

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on first join:
    set {firstJoin.%uuid of player%} to now

on join:
    set {lastJoin.%uuid of player%} to now

command /lastjoin <offline-player>:
        send "%arg-1% last joined the server on %{lastJoin.%uuid of arg-1%}%." to player

command /joindate [<offline-player>]:
        if arg-1 is set:
            if player is op:
                send "%arg-1% first joined the server on %{firstJoin.%uuid of arg-1%}%." to player
            send "You first joined the server on %{firstJoin.%uuid of player%}%." to player

As for formatting the time in the dd/mm/yyyy format, you can do that in the skript config file at around line 100 I believe.
Also, not sure if this skript works, I didn't test it.

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What unariginal just sent isn't really good tbh, you should never use `.` inside of your variable indices, using a double colon `::` turns the variable into a list allowing you to do tons more with it. 

commands have a built in Permissions: node so you can just use that, as for the command you can also just do `command x <player = %player%>:` where the arg object will default back to the player if the argument is not set.

on first join:
	set {firstJoin::%uuid of player%} to now

on join:
	set {lastJoin::%uuid of player%} to now

command /lastjoin <offline-player=%player%>:
	permission: op
		send "%arg-1% last joined the server on %{lastJoin::%uuid of arg-1%}%."

command /joindate [<offline-player=%player%>]:
		send ("%arg-1% first joined the server on %{firstJoin::%uuid of arg-1%}%." if player is op, else "You first joined the server on %{firstJoin::%uuid of player%}%.")


also, for future reference please post any errors additional to your message saying "there are 2 errors" this allows people to troubleshoot it so much quicker.

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