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Minehut should add a proper console.


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Now on your minehut appearance your able to send a console command but the problem is. Is that it is very old and unhelpful. Like seriously ask anyone why they use the minecraft console they say just to add op and that's there only response. What minehut should do is make a proper console if not make a page for it. because it is outdated and was only made just to make yourself op if a better console was added with information about your server and other issues not just it would be convenient for the player. It would be convenient for the support since the console says everything about the game and how it is running so having a console would be really beneficial if it doesn't get added then the minehut support are kind of digging themselves in a hole.

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46 minutes ago, Toch said:

It would be convenient for the support since the console says everything about the game and how it is running so having a console would be really beneficial

You could just show them your latest.log, which is what the content of the console would have been. But this is already planned and they said it'll be coming sometime this year.

Or you can use this really cool chrome extension that adds a "live" console to the appearance tab for now.


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In-game name - _Tarna_

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42 minutes ago, _Tarna_ said:

You could just show them your latest.log, which is what the content of the console would have been. But this is already planned and they said it'll be coming sometime this year.

Or you can use this really cool chrome extension that adds a "live" console to the appearance tab for now.


where can i get this? asking for a friend

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