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Dear Staff

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I have not liked Minehut ever since they added the ad system. All of the lobbies are filled with ads and nobody talks like it was before ads. I think you guys should make a dedicated lobby where ads cannot be made. This would make the Minehut community way better.

Hello, I'm Nolan!

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Vote Please - bit.ly/3tMXajE

MC Server - bit.ly/3hqYAOy

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You can make suggestions on an issue in the Meta GitHub - https://github.com/Minehut/Meta/issues/new/choose

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

Community Support - 7/8/20 - 11/3/20

Helper  - 11/3/20 - 2/21/21

Moderator - 2/21/21 - 5/17/21

❤️ - 5/17/21 - 12/20/22

Moderator - 12/20/22 - now



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