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Upcoming 1.17 Update (answered)



Hi there, I'm fairly new to all of this, so sorry if it's a super obvious answer!

So I have a server that's currently in 1.16.5, and I'd personally like to keep it that way when 1.17 hits. Is there any way that I can avoid having my server updated an put into 1.17? My friends and I would prefer that this particular server stay in 1.16.5.

Thanks for any help!

Edited by SpicedRocks
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4 answers to this question

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Unfortunately Minehut has no way of setting your server to a specific version although what you could do is install ProtocolSupport OR ViaVersion when 1.17 comes out (assuming the plugins update by then) then you and your friends can join in on 1.16.5. 

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Until custom server versions/jars come out, which is planned but there is no ETA on it, all servers will update to the latest version of Minecraft when a stable version of paper comes out for that version. If you don't want to update, you can download your worlds with /dl world <world>

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On 5/20/2021 at 4:45 PM, rosathorn said:

Unfortunately Minehut has no way of setting your server to a specific version although what you could do is install ProtocolSupport OR ViaVersion when 1.17 comes out (assuming the plugins update by then) then you and your friends can join in on 1.16.5. 

Aww that sucks.. Thank you so much though! I'll definitely look into that. Thanks again 🙂

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23 hours ago, Tarnerd said:

Until custom server versions/jars come out, which is planned but there is no ETA on it, all servers will update to the latest version of Minecraft when a stable version of paper comes out for that version. If you don't want to update, you can download your worlds with /dl world <world>

Thanks for letting me know!

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