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Minigame skript

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command /zomb:
    aliases: z,zombie,mz,minigamezombie
        if {joinedzombieminigame::%uuid of player%} is 1:
            send "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &3&lNice try :)" to player
            make console execute command "/execute in minecraft:overworld run tp %player% 100.38 115.00 -718.52 320.25 65.55"
            make console execute command "/execute in minecraft:overworld run tp %player% 100.38 115.00 -718.52 320.25 65.55"
            set {joinedzombieminigame::%uuid of player%} to 1
            send "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &3&lWarped to zombies minigame Explore the map!"
            give player wooden sword of unbreaking 5000 named "&8&l[&7&lT1&8&l] &c&lProtectors &6&lSword" 
            give player leather helmet of unbreaking 5000 named "&8&l[&7&lT1&8&l] &c&lProtectors &8&lHelmet"
            give player leather chestplate of unbreaking 5000 named "&8&l[&7&lT1&8&l] &c&lProtectors &8&lChestplate"
            give player leather leggings of unbreaking 5000 named "&8&l[&7&lT1&8&l] &c&lProtectors &8&lLeggings"
            give player leather boots of unbreaking 5000 named "&8&l[&7&lT1&8&l] &c&lProtectors &8&lBoots"
            add 1 to {zminigamejoins}
            if {zminigamejoins} is 5:
                send "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &2&lGame &a&lStarting &2&lGood &4&lLuck!"
                set {zminigamejoins} to 0
                set {joinedzombieminigame::%uuid of player%} to 0
                send "&e&l%{zminigamejoins}%&e/5 &4&lplayers have joined so far"

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