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Everything posted by Pocan

  1. Connect your Minecraft server to Discord Easy installation and easy to use Dependencies: • Skript • Skript-reflect • Skript-yaml • DiSky • LuckPerms (Any group plugin) Install: ■ Put 'Skript.jar', 'Skript-reflect.jar', 'Skript-yaml.jar' and 'DiSky.jar', to "plugins/" ■ Reload server. ■ Put 'pDiscord.sk file ' into "plugins/Skript/scripts" ■ Open 'plugins/Skript/scripts/pDiscord.sk' file with any editor ■ Add your discord bot token to ''token: " part ■ Now save the skript file. ■ Open 'plugins/pDiscord/config.yml' file with any editor ■ Replace "Guild-ID" with your discord server guild id ■ Add your member id to "Setup-Admin-ID" for use /setup command ■ Now save the yml file. ■ Now execute command '/sk reload pDiscord' ■ Basic installation complete. (The others are easily adjusted through the yaml file.) Install Video (Turkish): Features: ■ Discord role sync ■ Fully adjustable rewards ■ Show the server joins and quits on your discord server. ■ Send a message to minecraft server chat in your discord server. ■ Transfer game chat to discord server ■ Configure the status of your discord bot. ■ Send console commands in your discord server. ■ Yaml support Discord Slash Command -> /setup -> Setup command. Game Command -> /link-> Creates verification code for link. Game Command -> /pdiscord reload -> Reload .yml files. Game Command -> /pdiscord debug -> Give information of the server fork etc. Click here to join support server Click here to download resource!
  2. Lol after server restart generator will be trash
  3. When i get free times i usually surfing on the internet.

  4. I like to swimming.

  5. Hey it's me 🥰

  6. Pocan

    Add Skript-yaml

    Add skript-yaml https://github.com/Sashie/skript-yaml
  7. Merchant puts your items for sale you can arrange these items for sale as you wish through your own store.This skript is like a special shop like a only items determined by server administrators can be purchase and also stocks of items available these stocks make by server playersDependencies: • Skript• Skript-reflect• Skript-yaml• TuSKeInstall: ■ Put 'Skript.jar', 'Skript-reflect.jar', 'Skript-yaml.jar' and 'TuSKe.jar', to "plugins/"■ Reload server.■ Put 'merchant.sk file ' into "plugins/Skript/scripts"■ Now execute command '/sk reload merchant.sk'■ Basic installation complete. (The others are easily adjusted through the yaml file.) ■ Special purchase guis.■ Register unlimited items and create categories to Merchant.■ Easy item register.■ Easy item add.■ Easy stockadd.■ Easy setup.■ Custom stores■ Fast and optimized.■ Yaml support MERCHANT APIPurchaseAPI Code (Text): function MerchantAPIPurchase(total : number, amount : number, d : object, item : item, uuid : text, p : player): # If you know SkriptLang you can use this API # {_total} -> Total price of purchase # {_amount} -> The amount of item the player wants to buy # {_d} -> The item of player wants to buy not parsed # {_item} -> The item of player wants to buy with parsed # {_uuid} -> Uuid of seller. # {_p} -> Event-player #broadcast "&e%{_p}% &7, is purchased &c{_amount} &7of &c{_item} &7for &c${_total} &7from merchant." ItemAddAPI Code (Text): function MerchantAPIItemAdd(price : integer, amount : number, item : item, p : player): # If you know SkriptLang you can use this API # {_price} -> Price of item # {_amount} -> The amount of item # {_item} -> The item # {_p} -> Event-player #set {_counter} to {_price} * {_amount} #broadcast "&e%{_p}% &7, is put &c{_amount} &7of &c{_item} &7to merchant for &c${_counter}" • /merchant add <1/Per Price> <all>• /merchant stockadd <all>• /merchant admin create category <Category-ID> <Category-Name-Colored>"• /merchant admin create shop <Category-ID> <Category-Page> <Shop-Name> <Shop-Name-Colored>Permissionsmerchant.* -> All permissions.merchant.usage -> You need this perm for usage /merchant admin.merchant.create.shop -> Create shop.merchant.create.category -> Create category.merchant.reload -> Reload files.merchant.help -> For execute command /merchant help CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD MERCHANT (SPIGOT)
  8. Config.yml and Language.yml has been changed like a %60 So just delete config.yml and language.yml if you are old user after reload it with new realase with using /sk reload pdiscord- NEW FEATURE - TALK WITH MINECRAFT SERVER IN YOUR DISCORD SERVERYou can send game chat in your discord server but you need to use match feature for it firstly matching your account by using command in minecraft -/discord match after they will give you a code and you write your selected channel and your select prefix to channel after you will use !chat your message to send game message in your discord server you can change prefix and channel you can do whatever you want = ) - NEW FEATURE - SEND CONSOLE COMMANDS IN YOUR DISCORD SERVER NEW CONFIG PHOTOS: NEW LANGUAGE.YML
  9. Pocan


    wait i think you must be a skript god?? unbelievable
  10. Connect your Minecraft server to DiscordEasy installation and easy to use Features: ■ Discord role sync■ Fully adjustable rewards■ Show the server joins and quits on your discord server.■ Transfer game chat to discord server■ Configure the status of your discord bot.■ Send console commands in your discord server. /console /command■ Yaml support Click here to download pDiscord (Spigot Link)
  11. Also please use variables like {deaths::%player's uuid%}
  12. NeoGen , SuperGen , HugGen
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