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Everything posted by Wimfish

  1. go to file manager -> plugins -> skript -> scripts -> make new file -> name new file -> scriptname.sk -> if you dont put .sk at end it wont work! -> open folder -> paste skript in -> save -> type /sk reload nameofscript.sk and do the command
  2. --3x3 miner pickaxe -- mine function on mine: If lore of player's held item is "&4&lGiga Miner 3": set {_1} to location of event-block set {_2} to location of event-block if player's pitch is between -50 and 50: add 1 to y-coord of {_1} subtract 1 from y-coord of {_2} if player's horizontal facing is west or east: add 1 to z-coord of {_1} subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2} loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}: skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool else if player's horizontal facing is north or south: add 1 to x-coord of {_1} subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2} loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}: skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool else: add 1 to x-coord of {_1} add 1 to z-coord of {_1} subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2} subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2} loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}: skellett break loop-block naturally using player's tool -- give miner 3x3 pickaxe command /Minerpickaxe3x3: permission: Minerpickaxe3x3.use trigger: give player netherite pickaxe named "&6&lMega miner" with lore "&4&lGiga Miner 3" --mute chat skript command /mutechat: permission: staff.mute permission message: &c You don't have the required permission to perform that command. trigger: if {Globalchat} is not set: set {Globalchat} to true broadcast "&c&lServer-name &c| &cChat has been muted by &r&c%player%" stop trigger if {Globalchat} is set: clear {Globalchat} broadcast "&c&lServer-name &c| &aChat unmuted by &r&a%player%" on chat: if {Globalchat} is true: if player has permission "chat.mute.bypass": stop trigger else: cancel event send "&cChat is currently muted."
  3. on first join: make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Default" make console execute command "/nametagedit player %player% prefix &7Player&r"
  4. Fishgens, foodgens, fruitgens.
  5. command /venomsword: aliases: vs,venoms,vsword permission: vs.use permission message: &8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &9&lNo permission trigger: give player diamond sword named "&2&lVenom &a&lSword" with lore "&c&lPoison V" on damage: if attacker is player: if attacker's tool is a diamond sword named "&2&lVenom &a&lSword" with lore "&c&lPoison V": apply potion of poison 5 to victim for 3 seconds send "&2&l[&4&lVenom&2&l] &4&lYou feel venom flow through your blood" to victim stop
  6. command /warn [<player>] [<text>]: permission: warn.use permission message: &8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &3&lNo permission trigger: if arg 1 is set: send "&c&lYou have been warned by %player% for %arg 2%" to arg 1 send "&c&lYou warned %arg 1% for %arg 2%" add 1 to {warns.::%uuid of arg 1%}
  7. command /zomb: aliases: z,zombie,mz,minigamezombie trigger: if {joinedzombieminigame::%uuid of player%} is 1: send "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &3&lNice try :)" to player make console execute command "/execute in minecraft:overworld run tp %player% 100.38 115.00 -718.52 320.25 65.55" else: make console execute command "/execute in minecraft:overworld run tp %player% 100.38 115.00 -718.52 320.25 65.55" set {joinedzombieminigame::%uuid of player%} to 1 send "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &3&lWarped to zombies minigame Explore the map!" give player wooden sword of unbreaking 5000 named "&8&l[&7&lT1&8&l] &c&lProtectors &6&lSword" give player leather helmet of unbreaking 5000 named "&8&l[&7&lT1&8&l] &c&lProtectors &8&lHelmet" give player leather chestplate of unbreaking 5000 named "&8&l[&7&lT1&8&l] &c&lProtectors &8&lChestplate" give player leather leggings of unbreaking 5000 named "&8&l[&7&lT1&8&l] &c&lProtectors &8&lLeggings" give player leather boots of unbreaking 5000 named "&8&l[&7&lT1&8&l] &c&lProtectors &8&lBoots" add 1 to {zminigamejoins} if {zminigamejoins} is 5: send "&8&l[&c&l!&8&l] &2&lGame &a&lStarting &2&lGood &4&lLuck!" set {zminigamejoins} to 0 set {joinedzombieminigame::%uuid of player%} to 0 else: send "&e&l%{zminigamejoins}%&e/5 &4&lplayers have joined so far"
  8. hi. i own a server called superpvpn. Im converting it into a gen server BUT i cant find a dev to make me a /shop and many other things which i cannot do so if u think u could make one please do /msg wimfish or reply to this post
  9. Wimfish

    Need a dev

    Hi, i need a dev pretty quick U dont need discord just do /msg wimfish OR if im not online reply to this post
  10. Wimfish

    Need a dev

    Hi, im Online RN so if u are a dev and can make a dungeon system it would be rlly apricated if u do /msg wimfish i can On minehut (Im online rn) please
  11. command /warn [<player>] [<text>]: permission: warn.use trigger: if arg 2 is set: send "&b&l[&3&lPikaXSmp&b&l] you have warned %arg 1% for %arg 2%" to player send "&b&l[&3&lPikaXSmp&b&l] you have been warned by %player% &3&lfor &c&l%arg 2%" to arg 1 else: send "&b&l[&3&lPikaXSmp&b&l] use /warn [<player>] [<reason>]" to player
  12. command /rules: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&4&lRules" to player format gui slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 26 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4&l" format gui slot 11 of player with barrier named "&c&lNo spamming" with lore "&7&lSpamiing temp mute depending on how much spam it is" format gui slot 13 of player with barrier named "&c&lNo racial slurs" with lore "&7&lracial slurs = 1 - 7 days ban" format gui slot 15 of player with barrier named "&c&lNo online dating" with lore "&7&lonline dating = 1 day mute"
  13. Yes you can But i am skripting for someone else rn mind waiting for a while (ive got swimming 2morrow morning so itll take a while for me to get on btw
  14. command /pl: aliases: /plugins trigger: send "Plugins(2): &ayour, mum"
  15. @SortaCold ;-; sorry didnt realise that
  16. Ok yeah but Im playing Hypixel rn can u wait a bit? (it may take till tomorow depending on what happens when my mother gets home)
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