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Help me with crates skript plss

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So i've made a simple crates skript but the problems is sometimes when i right click with the key it didnt give me any rewards and sometimes it gave me 2 rewards on 1 key, can anyone help me to see what's the problem in this code, it'll help me so much. Thx 

on right click:
  if event-block is a lime stained glass:
    if player is holding a tripwire hook named "&a{@ukey}" with lore "&8Use this to open &aUncommon Crate":
      remove 1 tripwire hook named "&a{@ukey}" with lore "&8Use this to open &aUncommon Crate" from player's inventory
      cancel event
      chance of 50%:
        give player 8 golden apple
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &38 Golden Apples &bfrom the crate"
      chance of 13%:
        give player 1 of blaze rod of mending named "&cFire Wand" with lore "&cUse &c&lRIGHT CLICK &r&cto shoot a fireball"
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &31 Fire Wand &bfrom the crate"
      chance of 16%:
        give player 1 of sunflower of mending named "&6Token" with lore "&8You can use this to buy &aCustom Items"
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &31 Token &bfrom the crate"
      chance of 5%:
        give player 1 enchanted golden apple
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &31 Enchanted Golden Apple &bfrom the crate"
      chance of 14%:
        give player 2 of tripwire hook named "&a{@ukey}" with lore "&8Use this to open &aUncommon Crate"
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &31 Uncommon Key &bfrom the crate"  
      chance of 1%:
        give player 1 of tripwire hook named "&9{@ekey}" with lore "&8Use this to open &9Epic Crate"
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &31 Epic Key &bfrom the crate"  
      push the player backwards with speed 2
      send "{@p} &bUse {@ukey} to open this crate"


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11 minutes ago, RDiamondz said:

So i've made a simple crates skript but the problems is sometimes when i right click with the key it didnt give me any rewards and sometimes it gave me 2 rewards on 1 key, can anyone help me to see what's the problem in this code, it'll help me so much. Thx 

on right click:
  if event-block is a lime stained glass:
    if player is holding a tripwire hook named "&a{@ukey}" with lore "&8Use this to open &aUncommon Crate":
      remove 1 tripwire hook named "&a{@ukey}" with lore "&8Use this to open &aUncommon Crate" from player's inventory
      cancel event
      chance of 50%:
        give player 8 golden apple
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &38 Golden Apples &bfrom the crate"
      chance of 13%:
        give player 1 of blaze rod of mending named "&cFire Wand" with lore "&cUse &c&lRIGHT CLICK &r&cto shoot a fireball"
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &31 Fire Wand &bfrom the crate"
      chance of 16%:
        give player 1 of sunflower of mending named "&6Token" with lore "&8You can use this to buy &aCustom Items"
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &31 Token &bfrom the crate"
      chance of 5%:
        give player 1 enchanted golden apple
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &31 Enchanted Golden Apple &bfrom the crate"
      chance of 14%:
        give player 2 of tripwire hook named "&a{@ukey}" with lore "&8Use this to open &aUncommon Crate"
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &31 Uncommon Key &bfrom the crate"  
      chance of 1%:
        give player 1 of tripwire hook named "&9{@ekey}" with lore "&8Use this to open &9Epic Crate"
        send "{@p} &bYou just got &31 Epic Key &bfrom the crate"  
      push the player backwards with speed 2
      send "{@p} &bUse {@ukey} to open this crate"


This might sound a bit confusing but...
The chance event doesnt work like you think. Theres a chance for every single reward so you're going to get some rewards, or if you're unlucky, none. Use:

set {_variable1} to a random element out of {variable2::*}

add all your rewards to variable2. heres an example: 

add "2 of tripwire hook named ""&a{@ukey}"" with lore ""&8Use this to open &aUncommon Crate"" to {variable2::*}


Edited by AgentGamerPro




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

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16 minutes ago, AgentGamerPro said:

This might sound a bit confusing but...
The chance event doesnt work like you think. Theres a chance for every single reward so you're going to get some rewards, or if you're unlucky, none. Use:

set {_variable1} to a random element out of {variable2::*}

add all your rewards to variable2. heres an example: 

add "2 of tripwire hook named ""&a{@ukey}"" with lore ""&8Use this to open &aUncommon Crate"" to {variable2::*}

So the only way is to do it randomly and not with chances? Cus i saw here it say "random element"


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1 hour ago, RDiamondz said:

So the only way is to do it randomly and not with chances? Cus i saw here it say "random element"


As far as i know yes




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
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[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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2 minutes ago, AgentGamerPro said:

As far as i know yes


1 hour ago, RDiamondz said:

So the only way is to do it randomly and not with chances? Cus i saw here it say "random element"


You can use random numbers to use chance instead too. 


set {_r} to random integer between 1 and 100
if {_r} is between 1 and 10:
	# this is a chance of 10%
else if {_r} is between 11 and 50:
	# chance of 40%
else if {_r} is between 51 and 100:
	# chance of 50%

You can also increase or decrease the range of the random number it generates if you want too. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

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Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

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1 hour ago, AgentGamerPro said:

This might sound a bit confusing but...
The chance event doesnt work like you think. Theres a chance for every single reward so you're going to get some rewards, or if you're unlucky, none. Use:

set {_variable1} to a random element out of {variable2::*}

add all your rewards to variable2. heres an example: 

add "2 of tripwire hook named ""&a{@ukey}"" with lore ""&8Use this to open &aUncommon Crate"" to {variable2::*}

So the only way is to do it randomly and not with chances? Cus i saw here it say "random element"


Okay, thx for the help, i'll try this

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