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Prestige skript


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Hi there! Im looking if someone could make me a Prestige skript like if you reach level 50 you are able to prestige

Level variable {level::%player's uuid%}

Prestige variable should be {prestiges::%player's uuid%}

I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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  1. command /prestige:
  2.    trigger:
  3.       {level::%player‘s uuid%} >= 100: 
  4.           broadcast "%player% has prestiged!"
  5.           set {level::%player‘s uuid%} to 0
  6.           add 1 to {prestige::%player‘s uuid%}
  7.           stop
  8.       {level::%player‘s uuid%} < 100:
  9.           message "&7You need 100 levels to prestige!" to player
#maybe this helps 😄
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4 hours ago, Jockerlight said:
  1. command /prestige:
  2.    trigger:
  3.       {level::%player‘s uuid%} >= 100: 
  4.           broadcast "%player% has prestiged!"
  5.           set {level::%player‘s uuid%} to 0
  6.           add 1 to {prestige::%player‘s uuid%}
  7.           stop
  8.       {level::%player‘s uuid%} < 100:
  9.           message "&7You need 100 levels to prestige!" to player
#maybe this helps 😄

It works but it doesnt send a message if you dont have enough prestiges

I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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  1. command /prestige:
  2.    trigger:
  3.      if {level::%player‘s uuid%} >= 100:
  4.        broadcast "%player% has prestiged!"
  5.        set {level::%player‘s uuid%} to 0
  6.        add 1 to {prestige::%player‘s uuid%}
  7.        stop
  8.       {level::%player‘s uuid%} < 100:
  9.        message "&7You need 100 levels to prestige!" to player
  10. #Give this a go 🙂

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