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need help with this skript



as the title implies i need help with this: 

on death:
   if victim is zombie:
      clear the drops
      set {_drop} to diamond with name ''&bDiamond''
      drop {_drop} at victim's location

for some reason skript doesnt understand the with name ''*bDiamond'' any answers why and how do i fix

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7 answers to this question

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When writing strings in scripts, you have to use the " double quotation mark instead of two ' ' single quotation marks

The correct line would be "&bDiamond" instead of ' ' &bDiamond ' ' (spaced out to make it more obvious)

Edited by MrTibo


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Just now, Jessica907432 said:

would this work?

on death:
   if victim is ender dragon:
      clear the drops
      set {_drop} to diamond sword named "&5Aspect Of The End"
      drop {_drop} at victim's location

From here it looks like it will, but you can always ✨Try it and see✨, IF there is an error, Skript will tell you on which line it happened and why 👍


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1 minute ago, Jessica907432 said:

but i have a problem


Because you did exactly the opposite of what you're supposed to do on this one 😅

7 minutes ago, MrTibo said:

When writing strings in scripts, you have to use the " double quotation mark instead of two ' ' single quotation marks

The correct line would be "&bDiamond" instead of ' ' &bDiamond ' ' (spaced out to make it more obvious)


Edited by MrTibo


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