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how to be OP



2 answers to this question

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Are you sure you OP'ed yourself?

You can check this by doing the following:

entering the command "/op" in the server.

If you receive an error, specifically a big red chunk of text, it means you are not opped. If you don't receive that, it means you are opped.

Depending on the plugin/s you have installed on your server, you will be able to do different things.

If I have helped you out in your post or you liked what I posted, please upvote and react to my post! It helps me a lot!

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If you have any questions contact me!
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Make sure you OPped yourself using op YourName using your server Dashboard, if that is the case, a plugin you have installed could also be blocking you from running certain commands. From the top of my head, the permission manager UltimatePerms also blocks opped players from running commands if they do not have the correct permissions. If you have this installed, you can give yourself the * permission (every permission) to get the same effects as being OPped, or use a different permission manager such as PermissionsEx or LuckPerms (more advanced) instead


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