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21 hours ago, HoseiNN said:

and how can i use that plugin pls tell me the cmds 
and i need another plugin (anti drop) <-- i mean

What do you mean by antidrop? Like prevent players from dropping things? I'm not sure if there is a specific plugin that you could use but you can make it with a plugin called Skript.

on drop:
	player does not have permission "drop.use"
	cancel event

This will make it that any player who drops an item and does not have the permission "drop.use", it will not let them. To add this skript, you first need to download the plugin called Skript then restart the server. Then in the file manager, go to plugins > skript < scripts. Then in that scripts folder, make a file called like drops.sk. It can be called anything but it just has to end in .sk. Then paste the thing I showed above in that file and click save. Then go in game and run the command /sk reload drops, or whatever you named the file, and now the skript should be working. 

Discord - tarna256

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2 minutes ago, HoseiNN said:

i want to create the skymining server in minhut, i have problem:
i dont know whats name of this plugin(this plugin reload the ore) 
pls help me

I think the plugin you are looking for is MineResetLite.

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Just now, HoseiNN said:

and how can i use that plugin pls tell me the cmds 
and i need another plugin (anti drop) <-- i mean

Here is a quick video tutorial made by Minehut on how to use the plugin:


If I have helped you out in your post or you liked what I posted, please upvote and react to my post! It helps me a lot!

Some Minehut Links:

Server Rules • Staff Applications • News & Updates • Reports • Appeals

Minehut: VIP (07/04/2021 --> Current)
Elestra/Versa Realms: Manager (12/04/2021 --> Current)

If you have any questions contact me!
My Discord: BanditEagle#2481
My Spigot Profile: https://www.spigotmc.org/members/banditeagle.935281/
My IGN: BanditEagle

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