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Spawn command

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command /setspawn:
    aliases: spawnset, sethub, hubset, setlobby, lobbyset
    permission: spawn.setspawn
    permission message: &cSorry, but you don't have permission to execute this command!
    description: Set spawn at your location.
        message "&6You have &cset spawn&6 at your location!"
        set {spawn} to location of player

command /spawn [<player>]:
    aliases: hub, lobby
    permission: spawn.spawn
    permission message: &cSorry, but you don't have permission to execute this command!
    description: Teleport you to spawn.
        if {spawn} isn't set:
            message "&4Error:&c spawn is not set!"
            argument 1 is not set:
                teleport player to {spawn}
                message "&6Teleporting..."
                if sender has permission "spawn.spawn.others":
                    if argument is online:
                        teleport argument to {spawn}
                    if sender is a player:
                        message "&6You have been teleported to spawn by &c%player%&6." to argument 1
                    if sender is not a player:
                        message "&6You have been teleported to spawn by &cConsole&6." to argument 1
                        teleport player to {spawn}
                    message "&cSorry, but you don't have permission to execute this command!"

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Nice skript!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/18/2021 at 6:21 AM, Wimfish said:

command /setspawn:
    aliases: spawnset, sethub, hubset, setlobby, lobbyset
    permission: spawn.setspawn
    permission message: &cSorry, but you don't have permission to execute this command!
    description: Set spawn at your location.
        message "&6You have &cset spawn&6 at your location!"
        set {spawn} to location of player

command /spawn [<player>]:
    aliases: hub, lobby
    permission: spawn.spawn
    permission message: &cSorry, but you don't have permission to execute this command!
    description: Teleport you to spawn.
        if {spawn} isn't set:
            message "&4Error:&c spawn is not set!"
            argument 1 is not set:
                teleport player to {spawn}
                message "&6Teleporting..."
                if sender has permission "spawn.spawn.others":
                    if argument is online:
                        teleport argument to {spawn}
                    if sender is a player:
                        message "&6You have been teleported to spawn by &c%player%&6." to argument 1
                    if sender is not a player:
                        message "&6You have been teleported to spawn by &cConsole&6." to argument 1
                        teleport player to {spawn}
                    message "&cSorry, but you don't have permission to execute this command!"

the aliases are kinda useless since minehut's /hub and /lobby override anything.

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