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Why doesn't EssentialX's /nick work with luck perm's ranks?



When I added ranks onto my server I wanted to prank my friends on the server by using /nick and changing my skin. However, I found out /nick doesn't work anymore. When I removed luck perms /nick started working again. 

Is there any way to make luck perms work with /nick on EssentialX?

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10 hours ago, Mike1-481- said:

When I added ranks onto my server I wanted to prank my friends on the server by using /nick and changing my skin. However, I found out /nick doesn't work anymore. When I removed luck perms /nick started working again. 

Is there any way to make luck perms work with /nick on EssentialX?

It is because you will require a chat formatting plugin. You will also require Vault.
You can even use plugin such as EssentialsChat, but if I were you, I would use Skript to make a chat format, as well as a nick system.


P.S. You said that you want to change your skin via /nick, but /nick only changes your in-game display name. You might want to use a Skin plugin which allows you to use /skin.

Edited by CoolProgrammer

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3 minutes ago, Mike1-481- said:

But I already installed Vault on my server. 

as @CoolProgrammer mentioned, /nick will only change your displayname seen in the chat, not your skin or something like it. This means that if the chat format was something like this before:

<BanditEagle>: Hi!

and for example you did /nick to change your name to random like "WhiteSil" (idk its just the first 2 words I saw on my desk) then it would look like this:

<WhiteSil>: Hi!

/nick does not change your skin to whatever you input the name to, it only changes the display name. If, using LP, you have some prefixes such as "[Owner] " and you changed the config files of EssentialsX so it doesn't use "<display name>": but is just "display name", it would look like this:

[Owner] BanditEagle: Hi!

or with the /nick example from before, would be:

[Owner] WhiteSil: Hi!

Hope this helps clarify some things more!

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3 minutes ago, Mike1-481- said:

My problem was that /nick didn't even work when I tried it with luck perms. 

Check your config file for EssentialsX and/or LP. Maybe you allowed a command from LP that is /nick (i dont think there is but idk not 100% sure) and there being 2 commands with the same spelling interfered with each other? not sure but that's all I can think of. Maybe try to re-download LP and see if it is still an issue?

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Hey @Mike1-481- could you please list the plugins that you have installed on your server?

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