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skript says my skript has an error


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i was trying to do multiple commands for one skript and when i tryed them out it said it has 60 errors can someone pls tell me whats wrong or fix it. BTW i was wondering if the written book thing will work?


command /information:
    description: Gives you the information book
    cooldown: 10 seconds
    cooldown message:You can only use this command every 10 seconds
    give player 1 written_book{pages:['["",{"text":"--------------------","color":"aqua"},{"text":"\\n \\u0020 \\u0020 \\u0020 \\u0020 RULES\\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"--------------------","color":"aqua"},{"text":"\\n1.No Griefing Other Players\\n2.Don\'t Grief Lobby (here)\\n3.No Breaking Portals\\n4.No Stealing From Others\\n5.Don\'t Say Anything Toxic Or Rude In Chat\\n6. Don\'t BUILD Anything Inappropriate On Build Worlds","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" 7.Do Not Spam In Chat\\n \\u0020 \\n \\u0020 \\u0020"},{"text":"Any Missbehaves From Anyone\\n \\u0020 \\u0020 \\u0020 \\u0020Banned From The Server","color":"dark_red"}]','["",{"text":"_____________________","bold":true,"color":"dark_green"},{"text":"\\n        ","color":"reset","bold":true},{"text":" Social","bold":true,"color":"#2CBD75"},{"text":"\\n","color":"reset","bold":true},{"text":"_____________________","bold":true,"color":"dark_green"},{"text":"\\n\\n","color":"reset","bold":true},{"text":"Discord","bold":true,"color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"https://discord.com/channels/773195195054817281/773195195734163508"}},{"text":"\\n\\n","color":"reset","bold":true},{"text":"Mikel Youtube","bold":true,"color":"#712222","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWxCJSYpFdLtpsRMnV6OHbQ"}},{"text":"\\n\\n","bold":true,"color":"#712222"},{"text":"Mikel & Bruno Youtube","bold":true,"color":"#712222","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV_ErF6miyM1UssFOpmLnkg"}},{"text":"\\n\\n","bold":true,"color":"#712222"},{"text":"The Best Of Mikel Youtube","bold":true,"color":"#712222","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTmbVKbTtmQ2Evo2wa8V1HQ"}}]','{"text":" \\u0020 \\u0020 \\u0020 Commands\\n\\n/spawn\\n\\n/information\\n\\n/info\\n\\n/build\\n\\n/survival\\n\\n/mikeltown","bold":true,"color":"#12B9A2"}','{"text":"/sethome\\n\\n/home\\n\\n/whisper\\n\\n/whisp\\n\\n/rules\\n\\n/rule1","bold":true,"color":"#12B9A2"}','["",{"text":"\\n"},{"text":"/rule2","bold":true,"color":"#12B9A2"},{"text":"\\n\\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/rule3","bold":true,"color":"#12B9A2"},{"text":"\\n\\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/rule4","bold":true,"color":"#12B9A2"},{"text":"\\n\\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/rule5\\n\\n/rule6\\n\\n/rule7","bold":true,"color":"#12B9A2"},{"text":"\\n\\n ","color":"reset"}]'],title:INFO,author:Mikel}

command /rules:
    description: shows you the rules
    send "1.No Griefing Other Players
2.Don't Grief Lobby (here)
3.No Breaking Portals
4.No Stealing From Others
5.Don't Say Anything Toxic Or Rude In Chat
6. Don't BUILD Anything Inappropriate On Build Worlds
7.Do Not Spam In Chat
    Any Missbehaves From Anyone
        Banned From The Server"

    command /rule1
    description: Shows you rule1
    send "No Griefing Other Players"

    command /rule2
    description: Shows you rule2
    send "Don't Grief Lobby (here)"

    command /rule3
    description: Shows you rule3
    send "No Breaking Portals"

    command /rule4
    description: Shows you rule4
    send "No Stealing From Others"

    command /rule5
    description: Shows you rule5
    send "Don't Say Anything Toxic Or Rude In Chat"

    command /rule6
    description: Shows you rule6
    send "Don't BUILD Anything Inappropriate On Build Worlds"

    command /rule7
    description: Shows you rule1
    send "Do Not Spam In Chat"

    command /ruleconsequence
    description: Shows you rule1
    send "Any Missbehaves From Anyone will automaticlly Banned From The Server"

command /sethome:
    description: Sets your home
    set {home.%uuid of player%} to location of block of location of player
    send "set home to: %{home.%uuid of player%}%" to player
command /home:
    description: Teleports you to your home
    teleport player to {home.%uuid of player%}
    send "Teleporting to home!:D"

command /setspawn:
    description: Sets spawn
    permission: op
    set {spawn} to location of block of location of player
    send "set spawn to: %{spawn}%" to player
command /spawn:
    description: Teleports you to spawn
    teleport player to {spawn}
    send "Teleporting to spawn :D"

command /whisper <player> <text>:
    description: Sends a private message to the specified player
    aliases: /whisp
    usage: /whisper <player> <text>
    send "8&%player% &7whispers to you:&r %arg-2%" to arg-1
    send "&aWhispered to &6%arg-1%:&r %arg-2%"

command /survival:
    description: Teleports you to Survival World
    teleport %player% to %SMP%
    send "Teleporting to survival world!"

command /build:
    description: Teleports you to Build World
    teleport %player% to %build%
    send "Teleporting to Build World!"

command /town
    description: Teleports you to MikelVille
    teleport %player% to %mikeltown%

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Thats not how nbt works in skript. and you have so many indentation errors


Moved to Skript Discussion

Please post in the right category next time when requesting help with skript. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

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18 minutes ago, Mikel7757 said:

😞 sorry im new in the minehut forums. can you point the errors out pls

Redo all your indents because they are all wrong. And in skript, you don't need to put _ in item names and you need to use the correct item alias. Not sure if written book is one. Also you would need to use a skript addon called skBee to use nbts like that when giving items. You should check your the docs and some skript tutorials if you want to learn more about the basics of skript first. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

Community Support - 7/8/20 - 11/3/20

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Moderator - 2/21/21 - 5/17/21

❤️ - 5/17/21 - 12/20/22

Moderator - 12/20/22 - now



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