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Staffchat Skript

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Simple staffchat Skript! Be sure to credit Splxshy when using it!


# Be sure to credit Splxshy when using this skript!

command /sc:
    permission: staffchat.use
    aliases: /staffchat
        if {sc.%player%} is not set:
            send "&aEnabled &estaffchat!"
            set {sc.%player%} to true
        if {sc.%player%} is set:
            delete {sc.%player%}
            send "&cDisabled &estaffchat!"

on chat:
    if {sc.%player%} is set:
        cancel event
        loop all players:
            if loop-player has permission "op":
                send "&c&l[S&4&lC] &3%player%&e: &e%message%" to loop-player

Edited by Splxshy

CrystlGens.minehut.gg - Owner

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Nice skript but here are some things you could change.

The stops aren't needed. You can just use else if statements. And instead of looping all players and sending a message if the loop-player has a certain permission, you can do this - send " " to players where [input has permission " "]. This will still internally loop all players but it'll reduce that part of the skript from one 3 lines to 1. Also you should use list variables instead of nested variables. 

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On 4/3/2021 at 7:14 AM, Nitrogen said:

You've just gone and nicked my skript 

and changed the prefix and asked people to credit you. smh

he didn't even change the on chat permission XD 

I'm a guy yes but I am also human just like any female so why do you believe it's so wrong to cry too?

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