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Disabling Ender Pearl damage with Skript?



5 answers to this question

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on damage:
 if damage cause is fall:
  if {enderpearl::%uuid of victim%} is set:
   cancel event
on script load:
 delete {enderpearl::*}
on projectile hit:
 if event-entity is a ender pearl:
  set {enderpearl::%uuid of shooter%} to true  
  wait 1 tick
  delete {enderpearl::%uuid of shooter%}

Credit: https://forums.skunity.com/threads/enderpearl-damage.5415/


Feel free to add me on discord if you:

dc3456c-e0ec58e8-c807-43e3-b986-5224b91a need help with plugins

dc3456c-e0ec58e8-c807-43e3-b986-5224b91a need help with skripts

dc3456c-e0ec58e8-c807-43e3-b986-5224b91a need to vent about something


>[ ‧₊˚꒰ʚ Starshine ɞ ‧✦ *#2683 ]<

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27 minutes ago, Starshinex3 said:

on damage:
 if damage cause is fall:
  if {enderpearl::%uuid of victim%} is set:
   cancel event
on script load:
 delete {enderpearl::*}
on projectile hit:
 if event-entity is a ender pearl:
  set {enderpearl::%uuid of shooter%} to true  
  wait 1 tick
  delete {enderpearl::%uuid of shooter%}

Credit: https://forums.skunity.com/threads/enderpearl-damage.5415/

Didn't work

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