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set {variable} to {variable} + 1 not working


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I'm making a skript that should open a GUI where you can upgrade the efficiency level by right clicking a diamond pickaxe. The efficiency level should rise by one everytime you click the enchanted book in the GUI, but it only enchants it to level 1 and when I click it again it doesn't do anything.

Here's the skript:

    {_eff} = 1

on right click:
	player is holding a diamond pickaxe:
		open virtual chest with 1 row named "Enchanting" to player
		format gui slot 0 of player with enchanted book named "&eEfficiency" to run:
			enchant player's tool with "efficiency %{_eff}%" parsed as enchantment type
			set {_eff} to {_eff} + 1

I also tried this but it didn't work either:

    {_eff} = 1

on right click:
	player is holding a diamond pickaxe:
		open virtual chest with 1 row named "Enchanting" to player
		format gui slot 0 of player with enchanted book named "&eEfficiency" to run:
			enchant player's tool with "efficiency %{_eff}%" parsed as enchantment type
			add 1 to {_eff}


Edited by TheHunter
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Thats not how local variables work. If you are trying to enchant with one level higher, just get the player's current efficiency level then increase it by one. 

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