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I can't find the correct arguments

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I'm creating a command that is the setblock command but doesn't send anything to the other players, hence shsetblock. But the problem is I don't know how to set an argument in a custom command to block, because I can't find a list of arguments anywhere, and if I load the skript, it tells me I need an argument that indicates blocks. Here's the code for context:

on chat:
	if player has permission "owner":
		set chat format to "&r&4[&r&0&kh&r&4] &r&6&n&l[player] &r&4[&r&0&kh&r&4]&r&b: &r&9[message]"
		set chat format to "&7[player]&7: &8[message]"

command shgive <item> <player=%player%> [<integer=1>]:
	aliases: /shitem, /shi
	permission: "owner"
		if arg-2 is online:
			if arg-3 < 1:
				send "Cannot give less than one item." to the player
				give arg-2 arg-3 of arg-1
			send "That player is offline." to the player
command shsetblock <text> <text> <integer> <integer> <integer> [<world=%world%>]:
	usage: "<world/self> <blockdata> <Coords>"
	permission: "Owner"
		if arg-1 = "world":
			set {_xpos} to arg-3
			set {_ypos} to arg-4
			set {_zpos} to arg-5
		else if arg-1 = "self":
			set {x.cord} to player's x-coordinate
			set {y.cord} to player's y-coordinate
			set {z.cord} to player's z-coordinate
			set {_xpos} to arg-3 + {x.cord}
			set {_ypos} to arg-4 + {y.cord}
			set {_zpos} to arg-5 + {z.cord}
			send "Please use world for world coordinates, or self for , for arguement one." to player
		set block at location at {_xpos}, {_ypos}, {_zpos} in arg-6 to arg-2

So what argument could I use for blocks on arg-2? And could you point me to a list of arguments for future reference?

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For arg-2, instead of <text>, change it to <material> I think. If that doesn't work, maybe also try <item> or <block>

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On 11/8/2020 at 8:28 PM, guyofallguys123 said:

I'm creating a command that is the setblock command but doesn't send anything to the other players, hence shsetblock. But the problem is I don't know how to set an argument in a custom command to block, because I can't find a list of arguments anywhere, and if I load the skript, it tells me I need an argument that indicates blocks. Here's the code for context:

on chat:
	if player has permission "owner":
		set chat format to "&r&4[&r&0&kh&r&4] &r&6&n&l[player] &r&4[&r&0&kh&r&4]&r&b: &r&9[message]"
		set chat format to "&7[player]&7: &8[message]"

command shgive <item> <player=%player%> [<integer=1>]:
	aliases: /shitem, /shi
	permission: "owner"
		if arg-2 is online:
			if arg-3 < 1:
				send "Cannot give less than one item." to the player
				give arg-2 arg-3 of arg-1
			send "That player is offline." to the player
command shsetblock <text> <text> <integer> <integer> <integer> [<world=%world%>]:
	usage: "<world/self> <blockdata> <Coords>"
	permission: "Owner"
		if arg-1 = "world":
			set {_xpos} to arg-3
			set {_ypos} to arg-4
			set {_zpos} to arg-5
		else if arg-1 = "self":
			set {x.cord} to player's x-coordinate
			set {y.cord} to player's y-coordinate
			set {z.cord} to player's z-coordinate
			set {_xpos} to arg-3 + {x.cord}
			set {_ypos} to arg-4 + {y.cord}
			set {_zpos} to arg-5 + {z.cord}
			send "Please use world for world coordinates, or self for , for arguement one." to player
		set block at location at {_xpos}, {_ypos}, {_zpos} in arg-6 to arg-2

So what argument could I use for blocks on arg-2? And could you point me to a list of arguments for future reference?

i am 99.95% sure it's because you did "owner", not owner. you don't usually use quotaions in usage, permission, permission message, or pretty much anything before the trigger:

EDIT: also noticed one of your permissions for owner are capitalized. don't know if its case sensitive or not, just wanted to point that out.

Edited by Agentgamer100YT
If i helped you please add a reaction to my post!




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