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Does Minehut store backup copies of servers?



I will probably sound like an idiot here, because I haven’t played MC in a long time and I have never operated a private server. So here it goes...

My son has a private server on Minehut and plays it regularly. Unfortunately for him, the “private” settings got turned off and allowed a random to come in and grief his server. Dropped a ton of Withers all around his server and caused a bunch of damage. He has no save files of his world on the computer, so I was wondering if there were Minehut has any backups stored. It would be amazing if someone could send me in the right direction.

Or...is the damage done and he will just have to rebuild?

Thanks a lot, 


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3 answers to this question

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Minehut does not keep backups of worlds unfortunately. You should always whitelist your server because on minehut and other servers, anyone is able to join if they have the ip. But on minehut, there is an option to join random servers and that is probably what happened. Do /whitelist on then /whitelist add <player> and add the names of the players who wants to be able to join. 

And ya, the damage is done and there is nothing you can do to get it back since you guys have no save files. You can also do /dl world <world> to download the current state of your world every now and then so you have a backup of it. Also there is this plugin called CoreProtect you can get which has roll back features but it will not help with the damage that has already been done but any damages in the future. But if you just whitelist the server, nothing like this should happen again.

Also one more question is how did the random person get access to the withers? Was the servers default gamemode set on creative? If so, you can change that to survival in the settings tab on the panel.

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3 hours ago, _Tarna_ said:

Minehut does not keep backups of worlds unfortunately. You should always whitelist your server because on minehut and other servers, anyone is able to join if they have the ip. But on minehut, there is an option to join random servers and that is probably what happened. Do /whitelist on then /whitelist add <player> and add the names of the players who wants to be able to join. 

And ya, the damage is done and there is nothing you can do to get it back since you guys have no save files. You can also do /dl world <world> to download the current state of your world every now and then so you have a backup of it. Also there is this plugin called CoreProtect you can get which has roll back features but it will not help with the damage that has already been done but any damages in the future. But if you just whitelist the server, nothing like this should happen again.

Also one more question is how did the random person get access to the withers? Was the servers default gamemode set on creative? If so, you can change that to survival in the settings tab on the panel.

Thanks for the response, as disappointing as it is. I appreciate the promptness. I believe the random person did the “join random server” option and ended up on my son’s. I am definitely going to have to set up the “white list” feature to keep these shenanigans from happening again. And yes, my son’s server was default to creative because he enjoys the designing and building aspect more than the traditional survival aspect.


Thanks again.

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Im sorry about what happened, but here's a handy tutorial on how to use whitelist. 

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