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Problems With The 'Skript' Ecloud Installment of Placeholder API



Hey everyone,


I own a server that uses the Placeholder API plugin for the QuickBoard plugin. The most important placeholders in this plugin are from the 'Skript' installment, which is usually downloaded by the command "/papi ecloud download Skript". Now, for the past week of me using both plugins together, they have been working fine and variables from my Skript coding were showing up on the QuickBoard scoreboard as they should be.

This morning, however, all of the Skript related placeholders I normally have working without issue are broken. Instead of showing the saved Skript variable, it shows the text itself that was written into the QuickBoard code:


(How the scoreboard appears now. Note how the only placeholding variables not working are from the 'Skript' placeholder, while others such as "ping" from the 'Player' installment [/papi ecloud download Player] and "time", also from the 'Player' installment, are working just fine.)


Here is my code for this QuickBoard scoreboard, the code that never had any issues until suddenly this morning:



Upon further inspection, I noticed that when I used the command "/papi list", all of the placeholders I had already installed were shown; except for skript.



So next I tried to download the 'Skript' placeholder installment again with "/papi ecloud download Skript". This seemed to work;



However, when I used "/papi reload" as usually instructed, this happened:



Only 3. So I used "/papi list" again to check.. and:



The Skript installment is not there. It isn't downloading. I can download other placeholders normally;


(Used 'Armor' as an example.)


But the Skript placeholder is not installing. What's arguably even stranger is how Skript shows up under the 'expansions' folder of the PlaceholderAPI plugin accessed under File Manager in the minehut dashboard:



But it doesn't show up when I use "/papi list", and it doesn't work on the scoreboard either. I have done absolutely nothing that could have triggered this, and it occurred overnight. I made sure to include photos of every step in this forum post to avoid any confusion, but any follow up questions are welcome.

Minehut, please fix this. My server relies on it heavily.


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22 minutes ago, EvilWolf341 said:

I would appreciate it if this issue would be treated with some degree of importance rather than being outright ignored.

Over a week has passed and all that has occurred was a possible diagnosis.

Any attention of minehut's staff members being showcased towards this problem is downright nonexistent. Unbelievable.

So sorry about the late response. If there is an issue with a plugin that would go to our META GitHub/Discord. I have gone ahead and linked both in this reply. You can create a bug report there so Developers can fix that as soon as possible. 

🔗 https://discord.gg/pgXMSFh
🔗 https://github.com/Minehut/Meta

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Retired Minehut Moderator
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Placeholder API was updated yesterday on Minehut so that could have caused something to break with Skript and Placeholder API. 

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
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I would appreciate it if this issue would be treated with some degree of importance rather than being outright ignored.

Over a week has passed and all that has occurred was a possible diagnosis.

Any attention of minehut's staff members being showcased towards this problem is downright nonexistent. Unbelievable.

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