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reset server



so i made a minehut server and decided i didnt like where i spawned so i reset it. i mined for hours with friend getting iron, diamonds etc. and stopped playing. just now we tried to get back on the server and it somehow spawned us on the original server that we reset. is there a way to fix this or get back on the new server?

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Did you restart the server after you reset it?







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Try doing /worlds to see if you may just be in a different world. 

Discord - tarna256

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2 minutes ago, pinkNoob16 said:

it says insufficient permissions when i try


Op yourself through the console. Type /op name in the server console. The console can be found under the Appearance tab on the dashboard and should say "Server Commands".

Discord - tarna256

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Seems to be you are not an operator


To op yourself, You need to go to your server dashboard > appearance > then below you will see a box names Server Command, then you will need to enter the command /op <name>, then you should be good



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Get EssentialsSpawn, This plugins allow you to have the feature to /setspawn or you could do /setworldspawn If you do not want to download EssentialsSpawn




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Hey, I am a java developer/website designer and I make free skripts and post them at My Spigot Page.




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10 hours ago, pinkNoob16 said:

i did it but i couldnt spawn in the same location 😕

You probably need to change the default world to that world. In the server panel, go to the settings tab. There change the level name to the name of the world you want to spawn in whenever you join the server. 

Discord - tarna256

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