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multiple spawn locations


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i am trying to make a server that has many spawn and will randomly pick one for the person to go and i can get 1 to work but 2 cant

here is my code

command /addspawn:
    permission: spawn.add
        add 1 to {number}
        set {spawnloc::%{number}%} to location of player
        add {spawnloc::%{number}%} to {spawns::*}
        send "&a → &7There Are Currently %{number}%&7 Spawn Locations Set"
        send "&a → &7%{spawnloc::%{number}%}%&7 IS Now A Spawn Location"

command /clearspawns:
    permission: spawn.clear
        set {number} to 0
        delete {spawns::*}
        send "&c → &7Cleared Spawn Loctions"
        send "&c → &7If This Says <none> You Have Cleared All Spawn locations"
        send "&c → &7%{spawns::*}%"

command /spawn:
        set {SpawnPlace} to random number between 1 and {number}
        send "&a → &7Please Wait 3 Second's To Br Teleported"
        wait 1 real second
        send "&a → &7Please Wait 2 Second's To Br Teleported"
        wait 1 real second
        send "&a → &7Please Wait 1 Second's To Br Teleported"\
        wait 1 real second
        teleport player to {spawnloc::%{SpawnPlace}%}

command /listspawns:
    permission: spawn.list
        send "&a → &7%{spawns::*}%"

command /number:
    permission: spawn.num
        send "&a → &7%{number}%"


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4 minutes ago, Boxmonkey said:

i am trying to make a server that has many spawn and will randomly pick one for the person to go and i can get 1 to work but 2 cant

here is my code

command /addspawn:
    permission: spawn.add
        add 1 to {number}
        set {spawnloc::%{number}%} to location of player
        add {spawnloc::%{number}%} to {spawns::*}
        send "&a → &7There Are Currently %{number}%&7 Spawn Locations Set"
        send "&a → &7%{spawnloc::%{number}%}%&7 IS Now A Spawn Location"

command /clearspawns:
    permission: spawn.clear
        set {number} to 0
        delete {spawns::*}
        send "&c → &7Cleared Spawn Loctions"
        send "&c → &7If This Says <none> You Have Cleared All Spawn locations"
        send "&c → &7%{spawns::*}%"

command /spawn:
        set {SpawnPlace} to random number between 1 and {number}
        send "&a → &7Please Wait 3 Second's To Br Teleported"
        wait 1 real second
        send "&a → &7Please Wait 2 Second's To Br Teleported"
        wait 1 real second
        send "&a → &7Please Wait 1 Second's To Br Teleported"\
        wait 1 real second
        teleport player to {spawnloc::%{SpawnPlace}%}

command /listspawns:
    permission: spawn.list
        send "&a → &7%{spawns::*}%"

command /number:
    permission: spawn.num
        send "&a → &7%{number}%"


so i added a line that sends the number and the number is 1.47 and i only want it to be a whole number

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5 minutes ago, Boxmonkey said:

so i added a line that sends the number and the number is 1.47 and i only want it to be a whole number

use random integer. like 
set {var} to random integer between 0 and 10

Integers are whole numbers

Edited by _Tarna_
  • Thanks 1

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