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Posts posted by Lapzzo

  1. Try this.

    command /give [<player>] [<item>] [<number>]:
    		if arg-3 is higher than 64:
    			send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou cannot give yourself more then 64 of an item!" to player
    			give arg-3 of arg-2 to arg-1
    			send "&2&lVelvetSurv>> &aYou have given yourself &a%arg-3% &a%arg-2% &ato &a%arg-1%&a!" to player


  2. 1 hour ago, iSheepyLOL said:

    tbh this thread was just a trash attempt at getting the classic "i hired a couch and destroyed him" thing. I don't mean to sound like I have a big ego but... 




    HELLO? Whoever uses axes in an actual fight - 10 respect. 

    Please dont reply to posts that havent been interacted with for a month. Asking a mod to lock...

    • Thanks 1
  3. How can I add a pasword to this skript? Ive tried something like 

    command /repair <player> <number>
          if arg-2 is 10:
              # Do stuff

    But it wont work. Heres the skript

    # Skript made by NotKaizo, Thanks NotKaizo -Lapzzo
    	balance: {coins::%player's uuid%} 
    	repair_cost: 50 
    command /repair <player>:
    	usage: &cIncorect usage!
    		if arg-1 is set:
    			open inventory of arg-1 to player
    			set {activeGui::%player's uuid%} to "inventoryGui"
    			play sound "block.note_block.pling"  to player
    			send "&aPlease click an item to repair it for 50 Coins!" to player
    			send "e" to player
    on inventory click:
    	{activeGui::%player's uuid%} = "inventoryGui"
    	cancel event
    	set {_dura} to max durability of clicked item
    	set {_fix} to durability of clicked item
    	if {_fix} < {_dura}:
    		if {@balance} >= {@repair_cost}:
    			remove {@repair_cost} from {@balance}
    			repair clicked item
    			play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player
    			play sound "entity.villager.no" to player
    			send "&cYou do not have enough!"
    	else if {_fix} >= {_dura}:
    		play sound "entity.villager.no" to player
    on inventory close:
    	if {activeGui::%player's uuid%} is "inventoryGui":
    		delete {activeGui::%player's uuid%}
    		send "&cYou closed your inventory!"


  4. 1 hour ago, endknight said:

    So me and my friend have a survival world and I recently updated it to Spigot 1.17.1, but we're not seeing any goats or anything part of the update, except a one glow squid we found. Now I went into the console and said something about Viaversion doesn't have compatible version for 1.17.1, should I be concerned about this? Or is there another reason why I'm not seeing 1.17.1 content. I'm kinda dumb on this topic so thanks for any help

    I think goats are coming out in part 2 (1.18) but im not 100% sure

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