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Posts posted by Lapzzo

  1. On 10/5/2021 at 5:47 PM, Flippy404 said:

    IGN: Flippy404 


    23 hours ago, Centrect said:

    IGN: Centrect

    I would heart it but my forum permissions literally stop me


    21 hours ago, Houlton said:

    IGN: Houlton


    15 hours ago, _Tarna_ said:

    IGN: _Tarna_


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  2. 12 hours ago, NotKaizo said:

    IGN: iKaizo_


    19 hours ago, ram3n_nabi said:

    IGN ram3n_nabi  🦋


    20 hours ago, Just5MoreMinutes said:

    Lapzzo half-quits the forums to start his buisness as a "Professional Minecraft Skin Renderer"...

    Anyway my IGN is Just5MoreMinutes <33



    Sorry for 2 of the same camera angle/poses, you can request what postion you want if you want and ill remake

    • Like 3
  3. Hi, since I want rep, I decided to make this post. Post your minecraft names below, and ill make a blender render of the skin.

    It can be anyones skin, but there is a requirment.

    You must heart this topic cuz yes c: Heres an example.



    • Like 8
  4. 5 minutes ago, BloxenYT said:

    Can u make this script work?

    on right click on player:
        if player's held item is paper of mending 1 named "&e&lStaff Menu":
            open virtual chest inventory with size 2 named "&e&lStaff Menu" to player
            wait 1 tick
            format gui slot 0 of player with red concrete named "&c&lBan %event-player%" to run:

    This post has not been interacted for a month, or more and you have replyed to it which is against the rules,

    Requesting mod lock 🔒

    • Like 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, ACK3R1S3P1CL0L said:

    it wont work even if i use the pannel

    This post has not been interacted for a month, or more and you have replyed to it which is against the rules,

    Requesting mod lock!

    11 minutes ago, MrTibo said:

    When you make a server, it initially has no idea who you are, that is why you can't use administrative commands when you first join. To make yourself an administrator, go to https://minehut.com/dashboard/ -> Edit Server (Make sure your server is ONLINE)

    Did mrtibo just necropost?

  6. command /kill:
    		kill player
    		broadcast "&c&l%player% took the easy way out."


    When the player types /kill 

    it will kill them and broadcast

    Lapzzo took the easy way out.

    Of course Lapzzo will be the name of the player who wrote /kill

    • Thanks 1
  7. Hello! For /spawn you need EssentialsSpawn and for /rules you need Essentials

    To give permission, get the plugin Luck Perms, then restart and type the command

    /lp group default permission set essentials.spawn

    /lp group default permission set essentials.rules

  8. File manager is back, and I found the errors! Heres a fixed one

    command /hug <player>:
    		if arg-1 is not set:
    			send "&cYou cannot hug air silly!" to player
    			if arg-1 is player:
    				send "&cYou must be lonely if your hugging yourself!" to player
    				send "&7You hug &b%arg-1% &7With &dLove &cAww ❤." to player
    				send "&b%{_p}% &7Hugs you with &dLove &cAww ❤." to arg-1
    on chat:
    	if message contains "<3":
    		replace all "<3" with "&c❤&r" in message


  9. command /hug <player>:
    		if arg-1 is not set:
    			send "&cYou cannot hug air silly!" to player
    			if arg-1 is %player%:
    				send "&cYou must be lonely if your hugging yourself!" to player
    				send "&7You hug &b%arg-1% &7With &dLove &cAww ❤." to player
    				send "&b%{_p}% &7Hugs you with &dLove &cAww ❤." to arg-1
    on chat:
    	replace all "<3" with "&c❤&r"

    Sorry if this doesnt work, I cant test it because file manager is down

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