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Everything posted by unrespectful

  1. I would like to purchase some credits with this gift card I got, but am stuck when it asks for a name/address. How am I to fill this out?
  2. So I rewrote the skript to support the players, but it still showed the error. if arg-1 is "create": if arg-2 is set: if {clan::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {_1} to length of arg-2 if {_1} is less than 15: set {clan} to arg-2 send "&aClan created: %arg-2%" broadcast "&a&l%player% &a&lcreated the clan %arg-2%&a&l!" set {clan::%player's uuid%} to arg-2 add player to {clanplayers::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%} else: send "&cEither A: You already have a clan, or B: You didn't type a name" to player if arg-1 is "tag": set suffix of {clanplayers::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%} to " &a[%arg-2%&a]" send "&aClan tag set to %arg-2%&a."
  3. So I recently made a /clans tag skript, and it always says that an internal error has occured. Please help! Skript: if arg-2 is set: set suffix of {clan::%player's uuid%} to " &a[%arg-2%&a]" send "&aClan tag set to %arg-2%&a."
  4. How am I supposed to disable sudo for myself?
  5. Hi, I'm the owner of BlockBit, a pretty popular server. I was wondering how to disable people sudoing me. Can anyone help?
  6. I'd like a skript that makes lava disabled. Simple
  7. I want to have a broadcaster where it will say something along the lines of "Join our discord! Click here" and players can click, well, there, to go to the discord. Can anyone help?
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