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Everything posted by Ikey

  1. Ikey

    My mh server crashes

    Use /memory if you have Essentials
  2. Ikey

    My mh server crashes

    Check if you're not using you're full data. If so remove some plugins/files from the File Manager since it can get worse if you have a number of players online with a full server.
  3. If you install Multiverse onto your Minehut server you should be able to do /mv create <name> <seed> but I'm not to sure what's wrong with the file manager for you're case.
  4. Go onto File Manager and go to /plugins. After there go to the folder named UltraCosmetics and go onto the config. I would recommend using Ctrl+F at this point and just searching for 'ender_chest' or something to find it. After then just disable it or move the position.
  5. I'm not sure why but I have never really got the hang of the worlds page of the dashboard. Instead go to the file manager and unzip it and then upload the folder to the File Manager. If you are tying to replace the world make sure to rename it to 'world' and remove the folder already named world. Restart the server and you should have the world!
  6. Ikey

    Potion Effects

    But obviously change the username 'ikeyIX' and the effect 'glowing'
  7. Ikey

    Potion Effects

    Just do "/effect give ikeyIX glowing 1000000 1 true"
  8. Ikey

    NuVoitier probleme

    Votifier is currently and most likely permanently disabled on minehut. It can not work because of the minehut server communication and ports in pretty sure. Type up on the forums for a better answer as I'm not so sure.
  9. Cooldowns will only work on commands. Read this for more info https://github.com/Njol/Skript/blob/master/src/main/resources/scripts/command with cooldown.sk
  10. Ikey


    Please make a support ticket on the 'Support' section of the new dashboard. I'm sure they can help you way more than anyone else can on the Forums website
  11. If you have the .jar file for this plugin then just go to the /plugins folder in File Manager and upload this. Although this 'more villager' thing sounds like its a mod but if not then go ahead!
  12. Ikey

    i need autopickup

    For a skript this should work: on break: if {AutoPickup} is "True": cancel event give player event-block command /autopickup [<text>]: if arg-1 is "True": set {AutoPickup} to "True" if arg-1 is "False": set {AutoPickup} to "False" and for a plugin I would recommend using https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/autopickup.7623/ or something like that
  13. Ikey

    item on spawn

    On skript you can do it like this: on first join: give player nether star Should work
  14. Ikey


    You can add it now, just upload the .jar file to the /plugins folder in File Manager!
  15. I have the server plan MH20 and my server icon is a Redstone Block. Should it glow?
  16. Hey all, I have a question. How do I make my server icon glowing? I know its to do with increasing the player/ram amount but I cant seem to see how to do it in the new dashboard. Thanks
  17. Ah ok, thanks for the feedback
  18. Made this for yall Rate it in the comments! # PLAYER WARPS SKRIPT BY ikeyIX # FOR IKEY SURVIVAL #Options options: prefix: &8[&3IS&8] #Main Commands command /pwarps [<text>] [<text>]: aliases: /playerwarps, /playerwarp, /pwarp trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&3Ikey Survival Playerwarps&f:" send "&a/playerwarps &7create &6<pwarp name>" send "&a/playerwarps &7teleport &6<pwarp name>" send "&a/playerwarps &7list" if arg-1 is "create": set {pwarps.loc.%arg-2%} to location of player add arg-2 to {pwarps.list::*} set {pwarps.name.%arg-2%} to "True" set {pwarps.%arg-2%.%player%} to "True" send "{@prefix} &bSuccesfully created a warp named &b%arg-2%&7." to player if arg-1 is "teleport": if arg-2 is set: teleport player to {pwarps.loc.%arg-2%} send "{@prefix} &bTeleported to %arg-2%" if arg-2 is not set: send "{@prefix} &cEnter a valid Player Warp name to teleport to it!" if {pwarps.name.%arg-2%} is "False": send "{@prefix} &cEnter a valid Player Warp name to teleport to it!" if arg-1 is "list": send "{@prefix} &bShowing you a list of the warps:" to player send "&7%{pwarps.list::*}%" to player if {pwarps.list::*} < 1: send "{@prefix} &cCurrently there are no warps created." to player if arg-1 is "remove": if {pwarps.%arg-2%.%player%} is "True": remove arg-2 from {pwarps.list::*} clear {pwarps.loc.%arg-2%} set {pwarps.name.%arg-2%} to "False" set {pwarps.%arg-2%.%player%} to "False" send "{@prefix} &aSuccessfully remove player warp ""%arg-2%""." if {pwarps.%arg-2%.%player%} is "False": send "{@prefix} &cYou can not remove a player warp that is not yours!" #Admin Commands command /setmeasowner [<text>]: permission: op trigger: set {pwarps.%arg-1%.%player%} to "True" command /removepwarps: permission: op trigger: clear {pwarps.list::*} send "&cReset all the player warps from Player Warp List" #Tab Completes on tab complete of "/pwarps" and "/playerwarps" and "/pwarp" and "/playerwarp": set tab completions for position 1 to "create" and "teleport" and "list" and "remove"
  19. Wait, Will Modpacks be allowed in the "Custom Versions & Addon panel" Thing?
  20. Ikey

    Kiteboard Update

    Hey there, I am wondering if Kiteboard has updated for 1.17 yet? My 1.16.x server I just updated to 1.17 with Kiteboard installed and all the kiteboard sidebars and tablists are gone. Has it been updated since Kiteboard has been updated by the creators. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/kiteboard.13694/updates Hope that if it hasn't it can but if it has then it can fix
  21. Ikey

    Download World

    Hey, I want to update my server to 1.17 in a while, all I'm asking is can you download a world on MineHut? I tried using the /dl world world command but it just locks my server in hibernation. Is there any other way to download a world? I know that it used to work.
  22. I was gonna until I saw Boxmonkeys reply xD
  23. Hey, a suggestion for MineHut is to make more categories on the "Appearance" section of the MineHut dashboard. More sections could contain "Survival" for survival servers. There is the "SMP" section but it doesn't really show the survival servers. It would most show the Dream SMP type servers. Another idea for section is something like "Economy" to show its a buying and selling server. Another is "Events" to show there is a current event going on or something. A "Cosmetics" tag would show there is a cosmetics plugin. Those are some cool suggestions, but don't know what you guys could think off
  24. Anyone need a pinging skript? I made one for yall! on chat: loop all players: if message contains "%loop-player%": play sound "block.note_block.flute" to loop-player send "&c&l%player% &7has pinged you in chat." to loop-player send "&7You have pinged &c&l%loop-player%" to player Very simple but hope you all liked it
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