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Everything posted by Ikey

  1. Ikey

    HungerGames Plugin.

    This is a paste of the full starting log and when I try to do /hg https://pastebin.com/9b5w6uhe
  2. Ikey

    HungerGames Plugin.

    Hey, these are the logs from when I was loading up my server: [17:09:17] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling HungerGames v4.15.5 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.NullPointerException: null I think that it needs to be updated.
  3. Hi, I have started making an event on my server on a hunger games game. I have already made all the areas, spawns, etc 2 days ago but after a restart on my server the hunger games plugin doesnt work. The plugin is in red and when I try to do /hg it will come back saying "An internal error occurred while attempting to preform this command" Also while looking through discord console I can not find anything that has the HungerGames plugin involved. I have done everything that everyone has been told to / said to do and there is no fixing. Does the plugin need updated? Thanks.
  4. Ikey

    Plugin disabled

    i have found this issue to. its really annoying
  5. Hi, I have been spending ages making this Hide And Seek event for my server. The skript has no errors so i have no idea what is wrong. Can anyone help? The problems are that when you get teleported to the Event area it says it is starting in 10 seconds but actually doesnt start. Here is my Skript. command /event: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&5Ikeys SMP Event" to player format gui slot 2 of player with knowledge book named "&3Join the event." to run: if {Queue::*} does not contain player: add player to {Queue::*} close player's inventory teleport player to location(1602.44, 10.00, -2404.44, world "superflat", 90.99, -0.91) if size of {Queue::*} is more than 2: teleport player to location(1602.44, 10.00, -2404.44, world "superflat", 90.99, -0.91) broadcast "&7The event has been started. &eDo &l/event &eto join within 10 seconds." close player's inventory wait 10 seconds loop all players in {Queue::*}: if {seeker::*} does not contain player: set {seeker::*} to a random element out of all players in {Queue::*} broadcast "&cThe seeker of this game is%{seeker::*}%" remove {seeker::*} from {Queue::*} broadcast "&7Starting the event." teleport {seeker::*} to {seek.spawn} teleport {Queue::*} to {hide.spawn1} send title "&c30 seconds to hide.." to {Queue::*} and {seeker::*} for 5 seconds wait 30 seconds give stick named "&c&lHunters Baton" with lore "&7Slain the hunters by hitting them with this.." to {seeker::*} if size of {Queue::*} is less than 1: make {Queue::*} execute command "/spawn" broadcast "&7The &cHunter &7has killed every hider." if size of {Queue::*} is less than 3: send "&7Currently waiting in the event for someone else to join." teleport player to location(1602.44, 10.00, -2404.44, world "superflat", 90.99, -0.91) close player's inventory if size of {Queue::*} is more than 16: remove player from {Queue::*} send "&c&lSorry, &7but the event is full right now." format gui slot 6 of player with barrier named "&cGo back." to run: close player's inventory stop on death: if {queue::*} contains victim: remove victim from {queue::*} broadcast "&7%victim% has been killed by the &cSeeker" play sound "entity.firework.rocket.blast" make {seeker::*} execute command "/particle minecraft:explosion_emitter" stop on death: if {seeker::*} contains victim: remove victim from {seeker::*} broadcast "&7The Hunter has been killed by the hiders!!" make {queue::*} execute command "/spawn" play sound "entity.firework.rocket.blast" make {seeker::*} execute command "/particle minecraft:explosion_emitter" broadcast "&7The &cHiders &7have killed the &cHunter" make {Queue::*} execute command "/spawn" stop command /sethidespawn1: permission: op trigger: set {hide.spawn1} to player command /inevent: trigger: send "&cPlayers in event: &7%{Queue::*}%" command /leaveevent: trigger: send "&7You have left the event." remove player from {Queue::*} command /resetevent: permission: op trigger: delete {queue::*} set {queue1} to 0 send "&7Reseted all players from the event." command /setspawnseek: permission: op trigger: set {seek.spawn} to player send "&cSet seekers spawn." on quit: remove player from {Queue::*}
  6. ok here is the pastebin https://pastebin.com/HEhtUUh6
  7. All of the indenting worked successfully but the right clicking of the sword is not working also when ever I execute the command it says in chat "An internal error occurred while attempting to preform this command." also the ${%player%bal}" is not working on line 11. Here is my skript: command /openboss: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&c&lBoss" to player format gui slot 11 of player with netherite sword named "&c&lFight The Boss" with lore "&a&oThis will cost 50k" to run: if {%player%bal} >= 50000: execute console command "/say &c&l%player% Is now fighting the Boss!" execute console command "/eco take %player% 50000" if {%player%bal} is less than 50000: send "&cYou need $50000 for that!" to player format gui slot 15 of player with sunflower named "&aYou have $${%player%bal}"" format gui slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 4 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane format gui slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane
  8. It is now saying "Cant compare 'if {%player%bal}' with an integer (bossgui.sk, line 5: if {%player%bal} <=50000')" and "Cant understand this condition/effect: if {%player%bal} =< 50000 (bossgui.sk, line 8: if {%player%bal} =< 50000')" Here is my skript so far: command /openboss: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&c&lBoss" to player format gui slot 11 of player with netherite sword named "&c&lFight The Boss" with lore "&a&oThis will cost 50k" to run: if {%player%bal} >= 50000 execute console command "/say &c&l%player% Is now fighting the Boss!" execute console command "/eco take %player% 50000" if {%player%bal} =< 50000 send "&cYou need $50000 for that!" Can anyone help me?
  9. Hey, I have been having issues with GUI and Buying from it. I am trying to make a boss GUI that you can buy to fight. Here is the skript right now: command /openboss: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&c&lBoss" to player format gui slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&c&lFight The Boss" with lore "&a&oThis will cost 50k" run: if {%player%bal} contains "50000": execute console command "/say &c&l%player% Is now fighting the Boss!" execute console command "/eco take %player% 50000" else: send "&cYou need $50000 for that!" anyone know whats wrong? please help me
  10. Hey, I am trying to make a GUI that teleports someone to a diffrent gamemode. I am trying to TP someone to the position but its not working. Here is the skript: command /gamemodes: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&3Change Gamemodes" to player format gui slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&6Kit PVP" with lore "&7Change Gamemodes" and "Go to Kit PVP" teleport to location (-12, 117, -143, world "pvp") close player's inventory
  11. Hey, Im having issues on my Skript on how to teleport a player. Here is my skript right now: command /run: trigger: teleport player to {1478, 56, -2797, superflat} send title "&3&lWarping you to the Sand Event..." to player
  12. Hey, I am having issues with the Teleport in Skript.

    Here is my skript right now:

    command /run:
        teleport loop-player to {1478, 56, -2797, superflat}
        send title "&3&lWarping you to the Sand Event..." to player

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