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Everything posted by GRIM_CREEPERZ

  1. try: command /sellall: permission: sellall.use cooldown: 45 minutes trigger: loop all items in player's inventory: if player has dirt: set {_dirt} to number of dirt in player's inventory remove all dirt from player add 4*{_dirt} to {balance::%player%} if player has grass block: set {_grassblock} to number of grass block in player's inventory remove all grass block from player add 6*{_grassblock} to {balance::%player%} if player has cobblestone: set {_cobblestone} to number of cobblestone in player's inventory remove all cobblestone from player add 1*{_cobblestone} to {balance::%player%} if player has ender pearl: set {_enderpearl} to number of ender pearl in player's inventory remove all ender pearl from player add 31*{_enderpearl} to {balance::%player%} if player has stone: set {_stone} to number of stone in player's inventory remove all stone from player add 4*{_stone} to {balance::%player%} if player has any log: set {_log} to number of log in player's inventory remove all log from player add 2*{_log} to {balance::%player%} if player has melon slice: set {_melonslice} to number of melon slice in player's inventory remove all melon slice from player add 23*{_melonslice} to {balance::%player%} if player has sugar cane: set {_sugarcane} to number of sugar cane in player's inventory remove all sugar cane from player add 8*{_sugarcane} to {balance::%player%} if player has diamond: set {_diamond} to number of diamond in player's inventory remove all diamond from player add 47*{_diamond} to {balance::%player%} if player has iron ingot: set {_ironingot} to number of iron ingot in player's inventory remove all iron ingot from player add 23*{_ironingot} to {balance::%player%} if player has gold ingot: set {_goldingot} to number of gold ingot in player's inventory remove all gold ingot from player add 31*{_goldingot} to {balance::%player%} if player has emerald: set {_emerald} to number of emerald in player's inventory remove all emerald from player add 78*{_emerald} to {balance::%player%} if player has coal: set {_coal} to number of coal in player's inventory remove all coal from player add 8*{_coal} to {balance::%player%} if player has brick: set {_brick} to number of brick in player's inventory remove all brick from player add 8*{_brick} to {balance::%player%} if player has glowstone dust: set {_glowstonedust} to number of glowstone dust in player's inventory remove all glowstone dust from player add 15*{_glowstonedust} to {balance::%player%} if player has nether quartz: set {_netherquartz} to number of nether quartz in player's inventory remove all nether quartz from player add 15*{_netherquartz} to {balance::%player%} if player has nether brick: set {_netherbrick} to number of nether brick in player's inventory remove all nether brick from player add 23*{_netherbrick} to {balance::%player%} if player has flint: set {_flint} to number of flint in player's inventory remove all flint from player add 16*{_flint} to {balance::%player%} if player has wheat: set {_wheat} to number of wheat in player's inventory remove all wheat from player add 23*{_wheat} to {balance::%player%} if player has sugar: set {_sugar} to number of sugar in player's inventory remove all sugar from player add 23*{_sugar} to {balance::%player%} if player has beetroot: set {_beetroot} to number of beetroot in player's inventory remove all beetroot from player add 23*{_beetroot} to {balance::%player%} command /shop [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named " -=[ &3&lShop &0]=-" to player format gui slot 11 of player with grass block named "&b&lBlocks" to run: make player execute command "shop blocks" format gui slot 13 of player with cooked chicken named "&a&lFood" to run: make player execute command "shop food" format gui slot 15 of player with iron pickaxe named "&f&lTools" to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 30 of player with gold ingot named "&3&lOres" to run: make player execute command "shop ores" format gui slot 32 of player with wheat named "&2&lFarming" to run: make player execute command "shop farming" format gui slot 0 of player with skull of player named "&aYour Balance: $&r%{balance::%player%}%" to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 8 of player with paper named "&6Guide to /shop" with lore "" and "&eWelcome to the Shop GUI!" and "&eClick on any category on" and "&ethis page and buy whatever" and "&eyour heart desires. To sell," and "&edo '&l/shop sell <item name>&e'" and "&ewith the '_' included. If you" and "&ewant to sell faster, you" and "&ecan purchase the /sellall" and "&eperk from our store." and "" to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 1 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 3 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 4 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 5 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 7 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 9 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 27 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 36 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 37 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 38 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 39 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 40 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 41 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 42 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 43 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 44 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 35 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 17 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop" else if arg-1 is "blocks": open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named " -=[ &3&lBlock Shop &0]=-" to player format gui slot 0 of player with 64 dirt with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy dirt" format gui slot 1 of player with 64 grass block with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy grass_block" format gui slot 2 of player with 64 cobblestone with lore "" and "&ePrice: $100" to run: make player execute command "shop buy cobblestone" format gui slot 3 of player with 64 stone with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy stone" format gui slot 4 of player with 64 oak log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy oak_log" format gui slot 5 of player with 64 spruce log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy spruce_log" format gui slot 6 of player with 64 birch log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy birch_log" format gui slot 7 of player with 64 jungle log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy jungle_log" format gui slot 8 of player with 64 acacia log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy acacia_log" format gui slot 9 of player with 64 dark oak log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy dark_oak_log" format gui slot 10 of player with 64 white concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy white_concrete" format gui slot 11 of player with 64 orange concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy orange_concrete" format gui slot 12 of player with 64 magenta concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy magenta_concrete" format gui slot 13 of player with 64 light blue concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy light_blue_concrete" format gui slot 14 of player with 64 lime concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy lime_concrete" format gui slot 15 of player with 64 yellow concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy yellow_concrete" format gui slot 16 of player with 64 pink concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy pink_concrete" format gui slot 17 of player with 64 gray concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy gray_concrete" format gui slot 18 of player with 64 light gray concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy light_gray_concrete" format gui slot 19 of player with 64 cyan concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy cyan_concrete" format gui slot 20 of player with 64 blue concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy blue_concrete" format gui slot 21 of player with 64 purple concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy purple_concrete" format gui slot 22 of player with 64 brown concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy brown_concrete" format gui slot 23 of player with 64 green concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy green_concrete" format gui slot 24 of player with 64 black concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy black_concrete" format gui slot 25 of player with 64 red concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy red_concrete" format gui slot 36 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop blocks" format gui slot 37 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop blocks" format gui slot 38 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop blocks" format gui slot 39 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop blocks" format gui slot 40 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop blocks" format gui slot 41 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop blocks" format gui slot 42 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop blocks" format gui slot 43 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop blocks" format gui slot 44 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to run: make player execute command "shop" else if arg-1 is "food": open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named " -=[ &b&lFood Shop &0]=-" to player format gui slot 0 of player with 16 cooked porkchop with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy cooked_porkchop" format gui slot 1 of player with 16 cooked beef with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy cooked_beef" format gui slot 2 of player with 16 apple with lore "" and "&ePrice: $100" to run: make player execute command "shop buy apple" format gui slot 3 of player with 1 cake with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy cake" format gui slot 4 of player with 16 bread with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy bread" format gui slot 5 of player with 16 cookie with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy cookie" format gui slot 6 of player with 16 cooked chicken with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy cooked_chicken" format gui slot 7 of player with 16 cooked mutton with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy cooked_mutton" format gui slot 8 of player with 16 golden apple with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy cooked_mutton" format gui slot 9 of player with 1 enchanted golden apple with lore "" and "&ePrice: $25000" to run: make player execute command "shop buy enchanted_golden_apple" format gui slot 26 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop food" format gui slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop food" format gui slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop food" format gui slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop food" format gui slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop food" format gui slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop food" format gui slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop food" format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop food" else if arg-1 is "tools": open virtual chest inventory with size 4 named " -=[ &b&lTools Shop &0]=-" to player format gui slot 0 of player with iron helmet with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy iron_helmet" format gui slot 1 of player with iron chestplate with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy iron_chestplate" format gui slot 2 of player with iron leggings with lore "" and "&ePrice: $550" to run: make player execute command "shop buy iron_leggings" format gui slot 3 of player with iron boots with lore "" and "&ePrice: $450" to run: make player execute command "shop buy iron_boots" format gui slot 4 of player with iron shovel with lore "" and "&ePrice: $300" to run: make player execute command "shop buy iron_shovel" format gui slot 5 of player with iron axe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $400" to run: make player execute command "shop buy iron_pickaxe" format gui slot 6 of player with iron pickaxe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy iron_pickaxe" format gui slot 9 of player with diamond helmet with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy diamond_helmet" format gui slot 10 of player with diamond chestplate with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy diamond_chestplate" format gui slot 11 of player with diamond leggings with lore "" and "&ePrice: $650" to run: make player execute command "shop buy diamond_leggings" format gui slot 12 of player with diamond boots with lore "" and "&ePrice: $550" to run: make player execute command "shop buy diamond_boots" format gui slot 13 of player with diamond shovel with lore "" and "&ePrice: $650" to run: make player execute command "shop buy diamond_shovel" format gui slot 14 of player with diamond axe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy diamond_pickaxe" format gui slot 15 of player with diamond pickaxe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1000" to run: make player execute command "shop buy diamond_pickaxe" format gui slot 18 of player with gold helmet with lore "" and "&ePrice: $550" to run: make player execute command "shop buy gold_helmet" format gui slot 19 of player with gold chestplate with lore "" and "&ePrice: $800" to run: make player execute command "shop buy gold_chestplate" format gui slot 20 of player with gold leggings with lore "" and "&ePrice: $600" to run: make player execute command "shop buy gold_leggings" format gui slot 21 of player with gold boots with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy gold_boots" format gui slot 22 of player with gold shovel with lore "" and "&ePrice: $350" to run: make player execute command "shop buy gold_shovel" format gui slot 23 of player with gold axe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $450" to run: make player execute command "shop buy gold_pickaxe" format gui slot 24 of player with gold pickaxe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $550" to run: make player execute command "shop buy gold_pickaxe" format gui slot 7 of player with bow with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy bow" format gui slot 8 of player with 64 arrow with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy arrow" format gui slot 16 of player with 16 ender pearl with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1000" to run: make player execute command "shop buy ender_pearl" format gui slot 17 of player with fishing rod with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy fishing_rod" format gui slot 25 of player with name tag with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy name_tag" format gui slot 26 of player with shears with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1000" to run: make player execute command "shop buy shears" format gui slot 27 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 28 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 29 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 30 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 31 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 32 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 33 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 34 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 35 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to run: make player execute command "shop" else if arg-1 is "ores": open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "-=[ &b&lOres Shop &0]=-" to player format gui slot 0 of player with 16 diamond with lore "" and "&7Price: $1500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy diamond" format gui slot 1 of player with 16 iron ingot with lore "" and "&7Price: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy iron_ingot" format gui slot 2 of player with 16 gold ingot with lore "" and "&7Price: $1000" to run: make player execute command "shop buy gold_ingot" format gui slot 3 of player with 16 emerald with lore "" and "&7Price: $2500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy emerald" format gui slot 4 of player with 16 coal with lore "" and "&7Price: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy coal" format gui slot 5 of player with 16 brick with lore "" and "&7Price: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy brick" format gui slot 6 of player with 16 glowstone dust with lore "" and "&7Price: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy glowstone_dust" format gui slot 7 of player with 16 nether quartz with lore "" and "&7Price: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy nether_quartz" format gui slot 8 of player with 16 nether brick with lore "" and "&7Price: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy nether_brick" format gui slot 9 of player with 16 flint with lore "" and "&7Price: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy flint" format gui slot 26 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" format gui slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop tools" else if arg-1 is "farming": open virtual chest inventory with size 2 named "-=[ &b&lFarming Shop &0]=-" to player format gui slot 0 of player with 16 seeds with lore "" and "&ePrice: $300" to run: make player execute command "shop buy seeds" format gui slot 1 of player with 16 cocoa beans with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy cocoa_beans" format gui slot 2 of player with 16 sugar cane with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run: make player execute command "shop buy sugar_cane" format gui slot 3 of player with 16 melon seeds with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy melon_seeds" format gui slot 4 of player with 16 beetroot seeds with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run: make player execute command "shop buy beetroot_seeds" format gui slot 5 of player with 16 pumpkin seeds with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy pumpkin_seeds" format gui slot 6 of player with 16 wheat with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy wheat" format gui slot 7 of player with 16 sugar with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy sugar" format gui slot 8 of player with 16 beetroot with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run: make player execute command "shop buy beetroot" format gui slot 17 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to run: make player execute command "shop" format gui slot 16 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop farming" format gui slot 15 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop farming" format gui slot 14 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop farming" format gui slot 13 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop farming" format gui slot 12 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop farming" format gui slot 11 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop farming" format gui slot 10 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop farming" format gui slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run: make player execute command "shop farming" else if arg-1 is "buy": if arg-2 is "dirt": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 64 dirt: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 64 dirt send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Dirt!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" if arg-2 is "fishing_rod": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 1 fishing rod: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 1 fishing rod send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Fishing Rod!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" if arg-2 is "name_tag": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1500: if player has enough space for 1 fishing rod: execute console command "eco take %player% 1500" give player 1 name tag send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Name Tag!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" if arg-2 is "shears": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1000: if player has enough space for 1 shears: execute console command "eco take %player% 1000" give player 1 shears send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Shears!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "grass_block": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 64 grass block: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 64 grass block send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Grass Block!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "cobblestone": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 100: if player has enough space for 64 cobblestone: execute console command "eco take %player% 100" give player 64 cobblestone send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Sobblestone!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "stone": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 64 stone: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 64 stone send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Stone!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "oak_log": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 oak log: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 oak log send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Oak Log!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "white_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 white concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 white concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 White Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "orange_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 orange concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 orange concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Orange Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "magenta_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 magenta concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 magenta concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Magenta Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "light_blue_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 light blue concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 light blue concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Light Blue Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "lime_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 lime concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 lime concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Lime Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "yellow_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 yellow concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 yellow concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Yellow Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "pink_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 pink concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 pink concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Pink Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "gray_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 gray concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 gray concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Gray Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "light_gray_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 light gray concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 light gray concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Light Gray Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "cyan_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 cyan concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 cyan concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Cyan Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "blue_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 blue concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 blue concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Blue Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "purple_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 purple concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 purple concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Purple Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "brown_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 brown concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 brown concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Brown Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "green_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 green concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 green concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Green Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "black_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 black concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 black concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Black Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "red_concrete": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 red concrete: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 red concrete send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Red Concrete!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "spruce_log": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 spruce log: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 spruce log send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Spruce Log!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "birch_log": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 birch log: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 birch log send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Birch Log!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "jungle_log": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 jungle log: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 jungle log send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Jungle Log!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "acacia_log": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 acacia log: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 acacia log send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Acacia Log!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "dark_oak_log": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 64 dark oak log: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 64 dark oak log send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Dark Oak Log!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "cooked_porkshop": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 16 cooked porkchop: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 16 cooked porkchop send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cooked Porkchop!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "cooked_beef": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 16 cooked beef: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 16 cooked beef send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cooked Beef!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "apple": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 100: if player has enough space for 16 apple: execute console command "eco take %player% 100" give player 16 apple send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Apple!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "cake": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 1 cake: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 1 cake send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Cake!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "bread": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 16 bread: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 16 bread send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Bread!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "cookie": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 16 cookie: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 16 cookie send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cookie!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "melon_slice": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 16 melon slice: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 16 melon slice send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Melon Slice!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "cooked_chicken": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 16 cooked chicken: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 16 cooked chicken send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cooked Chicken!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "cooked_mutton": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 16 Cooked Mutton: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 16 Cooked Mutton send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cooked Mutton!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "golden_apple": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1250: if player has enough space for 16 golden apple: execute console command "eco take %player% 1250" give player 16 golden apple send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Golden Apple!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "enchanted_golden_apple": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 25000: if player has enough space for 1 enchanted golden apple: execute console command "eco take %player% 25000" give player 1 enchanted golden apple send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Enchanted Golden Apple!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "iron_shovel": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 300: if player has enough space for 1 iron shovel: execute console command "eco take %player% 300" give player 1 iron shovel send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Shovel!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "iron_axe": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 400: if player has enough space for 1 iron axe: execute console command "eco take %player% 400" give player 1 iron axe send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Axe!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "iron_pickaxe": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 1 iron pickaxe: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 1 iron pickaxe send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Pickaxe!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "iron_helmet": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 1 iron helmet: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 1 iron helmet send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Helmet!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "iron_chestplate": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 1 iron chestplate: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 1 iron chestplate send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Chestplate!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "iron_leggings": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 550: if player has enough space for 1 iron leggings: execute console command "eco take %player% 550" give player 1 iron leggings send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Leggings!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else if arg-2 is "iron_boots": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 450: if player has enough space for 1 iron boots: execute console command "eco take %player% 450" give player 1 iron boots send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Boots!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "golden_shovel": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 350: if player has enough space for 1 golden shovel: execute console command "eco take %player% 350" give player 1 golden shovel send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Shovel!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "golden_axe": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 450: if player has enough space for 1 golden axe: execute console command "eco take %player% 450" give player 1 golden axe send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Axe!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "golden_pickaxe": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 550: if player has enough space for 1 golden pickaxe: execute console command "eco take %player% 550" give player 1 golden pickaxe send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Pickaxe!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "golden_helmet": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 550: if player has enough space for 1 golden helmet: execute console command "eco take %player% 550" give player 1 golden helmet send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Helmet!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "golden_chestplate": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 800: if player has enough space for 1 golden chestplate: execute console command "eco take %player% 800" give player 1 golden chestplate send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Chestplate!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "golden_leggings": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 600: if player has enough space for 1 golden leggings: execute console command "eco take %player% 600" give player 1 golden leggings send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Leggings!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "golden_boots": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 1 golden boots: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 1 golden boots send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Boots!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "diamond_shovel": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 650: if player has enough space for 1 diamond shovel: execute console command "eco take %player% 650" give player 1 diamond shovel send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Shovel!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "diamond_axe": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 1 Diamond Axe: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 1 Diamond Axe send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Axe!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "diamond_pickaxe": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1000: if player has enough space for 1 Diamond pickaxe: execute console command "eco take %player% 1000" give player 1 Diamond pickaxe send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Pickaxe!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "diamond_helmet": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 1 Diamond Helmet: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 1 Diamond Helmet send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Helmet!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "diamond_chestplate": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1250: if player has enough space for 1 Diamond chestplate: execute console command "eco take %player% 1250" give player 1 Diamond chestplate send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Chestplate!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "diamond_leggings": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 650: if player has enough space for 1 Diamond leggings: execute console command "eco take %player% 650" give player 1 Diamond leggings send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Leggings!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "diamond_boots": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 550: if player has enough space for 1 Diamond boots: execute console command "eco take %player% 550" give player 1 Diamond boots send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Boots!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "bow": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 1 bow: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 1 bow send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Bow!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "arrow": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 16 bow: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 16 arrow send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Arrow!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "ender_pearl": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1000: if player has enough space for 16 ender pearl: execute console command "eco take %player% 1000" give player 16 ender pearl send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Ender Pearl!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "diamond": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1500: if player has enough space for 16 diamond: execute console command "eco take %player% 1500" give player 16 diamond send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Diamond!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "iron_ingot": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 16 iron ingot: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 16 iron ingot send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Iron Ingot!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "gold_ingot": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1000: if player has enough space for 16 gold ingot: execute console command "eco take %player% 1000" give player 16 gold ingot send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 GOld Ingot!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "emerald": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 2500: if player has enough space for 16 emerald: execute console command "eco take %player% 2500" give player 16 emerald send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Emerald!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "coal": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 16 coal: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 16 coal send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Coal!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "brick": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 16 brick: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 16 brick send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Brick!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "glowstone_dust": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 16 glowstone dust: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 16 glowstone dust send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Glowstone Dust!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "nether_quartz": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 16 nether quartz: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 16 nether quartz send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Nether Quartz!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "nether_brick": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 16 nether brick: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 16 nether brick send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Nether Brick!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "flint": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 16 flint: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 16 flint send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Flint!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "wheat_seeds": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 300: if player has enough space for 16 wheat seeds: execute console command "eco take %player% 300" give player 16 wheat seeds send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Seeds!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "cocoa_beans": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 16 cocoa beans: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 16 cocoa beans send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cocoa Beans!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "sugar_cane": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250: if player has enough space for 16 sugar cane: execute console command "eco take %player% 250" give player 16 sugar cane send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Sugar Cane!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "melon_seeds": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 16 melon seeds: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 16 melon seeds send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Melon Seeds!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "beetroot_seeds": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500: if player has enough space for 16 beetroot seeds: execute console command "eco take %player% 500" give player 16 beetroot seeds send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Beetroot Seeds!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "pumpkin_seeds": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 16 pumpkin seeds: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 16 pumpkin seeds send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Pumpkin Seeds!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "wheat": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 16 wheat: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 16 wheat send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Wheat!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "sugar": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 16 sugar: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 16 sugar send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Sugar!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-2 is "beetroot": if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750: if player has enough space for 16 beetroot: execute console command "eco take %player% 750" give player 16 beetroot send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Beetroot!" else: send "&cYour inventory is full!" else: send "&cYou can't afford that!" else if arg-1 is "sell": if arg-2 is "dirt": if player has 64 dirt: remove 64 dirt from player execute console command "eco give %player% 250" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Dirt!" else: send "&cYou don't have 64 Dirt" if arg-2 is "ender_pearl": if player has 16 ender pearl: remove 16 ender pearl from player execute console command "eco give %player% 500" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Ender Pearl!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Ender Pearl" if arg-2 is "sugar_cane": if player has 16 sugar cane: remove 16 sugar cane from player execute console command "eco give %player% 125" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Sugar Cane!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Sugar Cane" else if arg-2 is "grass_block": if player has 64 grass block: remove 64 grass block from player execute console command "eco give %player% 375" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Grass Block!" else: send "&cYou don't have 64 Grass Block" else if arg-2 is "cobblestone": if player has 64 cobblestone: remove 64 cobblestone from player execute console command "eco give %player% 50" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Sobblestone!" else: send "&cYou don't have 64 Cobblestone" else if arg-2 is "stone": if player has 64 stone: remove 64 stone from player execute console command "eco give %player% 250" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Stone!" else: send "&cYou don't have 64 Stone!" else if arg-2 is "oak_log": if player has 64 oak log: remove 64 oak log from player execute console command "eco give %player% 125" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Oak Log!" else: send "&cYou don't have 64 Oak Log" else if arg-2 is "spruce_log": if player has 64 spruce log: remove 64 spruce log from player execute console command "eco give %player% 125" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Spruce Log!" else: send "&cYou don't have 64 Spruce Log" else if arg-2 is "birch_log": if player has 64 birch log: remove 64 birch log from player execute console command "eco give %player% 125" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Birch Log!" else: send "&cYou don't have 64 Birch Log" else if arg-2 is "jungle_log": if player has 64 jungle log: remove 64 jungle log from player execute console command "eco give %player% 125" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Jungle Log!" else: send "&cYou don't have 64 Jungle Log" else if arg-2 is "acacia_log": if player has 64 acacia log: remove 64 acacia log from player execute console command "eco give %player% 125" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Acacia Log!" else: send "&cYou don't have 64 Acacia Log" else if arg-2 is "dark_oak_log": if player has 64 dark oak log: remove 64 dark oak log from player execute console command "eco give %player% 125" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Dark Oak Log!" else: send "&cYou don't have 64 Dark Oak Log" else if arg-2 is "diamond": if player has 16 diamond: remove 16 diamond from player execute console command "eco give %player% 750" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Diamond!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Diamond!" else if arg-2 is "iron_ingot": if player has 16 iron ingot: remove 16 iron ingot from player execute console command "eco give %player% 375" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Iron Ingot!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Iron Ingot!" else if arg-2 is "gold_ingot": if player has 16 gold ingot: remove 16 gold ingot from player execute console command "eco give %player% 500" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Gold Ingot!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Gold Ingot!" else if arg-2 is "emerald": if player has 16 emerald: remove 16 emerald from player execute console command "eco give %player% 1250" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Emerald!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Emerald!" else if arg-2 is "coal": if player has 16 coal: remove 16 coal from player execute console command "eco give %player% 125" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Coal!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Coal!" else if arg-2 is "brick": if player has 16 brick: remove 16 brick from player execute console command "eco give %player% 125" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Brick!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Brick!" else if arg-2 is "glowstone_dust": if player has 16 glowstone dust: remove 16 glowstone dust from player execute console command "eco give %player% 250" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Glowstone Dust!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Glowstone Dust!" else if arg-2 is "nether_quartz": if player has 16 nether quartz: remove 16 nether quartz from player execute console command "eco give %player% 250" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Nether Quartz!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Nether Quartz!" else if arg-2 is "nether_brick": if player has 16 nether brick: remove 16 nether brick from player execute console command "eco give %player% 375" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Nether Brick!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Nether Brick!" else if arg-2 is "flint": if player has 16 flint: remove 16 flint from player execute console command "eco give %player% 250" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Flint!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Flint!" else if arg-2 is "wheat": if player has 16 wheat: remove 16 wheat from player execute console command "eco give %player% 375" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Wheat!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Wheat!" else if arg-2 is "sugar": if player has 16 sugar: remove 16 sugar from player execute console command "eco give %player% 375" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Sugar!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Sugar!" else if arg-2 is "beetroot": if player has 16 beetroot: remove 16 beetroot from player execute console command "eco give %player% 375" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Beetroot!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Beetroot!" else if arg-2 is "melon_slice": if player has 16 melon slice: remove 16 melon slice from player execute console command "eco give %player% 375" send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Melon Slice!" else: send "&cYou don't have 16 Melon Slice" else: send "&cThere is no price for that item!"
  2. command /setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {spawn} to location of player send "&6&lSet spawn at your location." to player command /spawn: trigger: teleport player to {spawn} on death: wait 50 ticks teleport player to {spawn}
  3. Okay i will make you one. on first join: send title "Welcome!" to player send "&aWelcome to the server my guy!" to player on join: send title "Welcome Back!" to player
  4. Oh try this command /freerank: trigger: if {freerank.claimed} isn't set: execute command "/lp User %player% Parent Set Plant" Send "&b&lYou Have Claimed You're Free Rank" to player set {freerank.claimed} to true if {freerank.claimed} is true: send "&cYou have already claimed your free rank!" to player
  5. Send me the script you want and i probably can make it in 5-10 mins
  6. command /freerank: trigger: if {freerank.claimed} isn't set: execute command "/lp User %player% Parent Set Plant" Send "&b&lYou Have Claimed You're Free Rank" to player set {freerank.claimed} to true: if {freerank.claimed} is true: send "&cYou have already claimed your free rank!" to player
  7. Can you tell me what you use for ranks and the rank name to give!
  8. Easy here is the script for ya: command /reset [<player>]: permission: reset.use trigger: if arg-1 is set: send "&4&lResetting player %player-arg%" to player make player execute "/ban %player-arg% &4You were reset." else: send "&4List a name to reset!" to player
  9. I can make you one. command /dupe: trigger: if player's held item isn't a shulker box: if player's held item isn't a elytra: if player's held item isn't air: give player player's held item stop else: send "&cYou Cannot Dupe Air!" to player else: send "&cYou Cannot Dupe this Item!" to player else: send "&cYou Cannot Dupe this Item!" to player
  10. Pretty sure it might be clear lag but change 120 ticks to 1 second
  11. on place of white glazed terracotta: set {gens::%location of event-block%} to uuid of player if {gens::%player's uuid%} < 20: add 1 to {gens::%player's uuid%} while event-block is white glazed terracotta: wait 1 second chance of 75%: drop 1 white dye above location of event-block else: send "" to player send "&bYou have reached your Gen Cap! &7%{gens::%player's uuid%}%&b/&720" to player send "" to player cancel event command /gencap [<player>] [<text>] [<number>]: permission: gencap.use permission message: &cNope! trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "reset": set {gens::%arg-1's uuid%} to 0 send "&cYou have just reset %arg-1%&c's gen cap!" to player command /gens: trigger: send "" to player send "&bYou have used %{gens::%player's uuid%}%&7/&b20 gen space!" to player send "" to player
  12. @peggy59try this script: command /setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {spawn} to location of player command /spawn: permission: spawn trigger: teleport player to {spawn}
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