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Everything posted by GRIM_CREEPERZ

  1. Sorry i was a bit late here you go: settings: perm: (CHANGE THIS TO PERMISSION YOU WANT TO GIVE) on right click: if player's held item is paper named "&a&lPlot Access" with lore "&5&lRight-Click": execute console command "/pex user %player% add @perm"
  2. When someone joins it will show at top of there screen for 10 seconds then it will go
  3. on join: set {bossbar::%player%} to new boss bar set {bossbar::%player%} to "&0&lEvery 10 Seconds You Get A Random Item!" wait 10 seconds delete {bossbar::%player%}
  4. on join: wipe player's sidebar set name of sidebar of player to "____&3&lArcRPG&8____" set score "&8&lAccount: &5&l%player%" in sidebar of player to 3 set score "&b&lRank &8&l: %luckperms_prefix%" in sidebar of player to 2 set score "&5&lOur Site! : &b&l/buy" in sidebar of player to 1
  5. command /gui: trigger: open virtual chest with size 4 named "&eLift" to player format gui slot 10 of player with coal named "&b&lDefault Mine" to run: if player has permission "ecocave.defaultmine": make console execute "sudo %player% warp default" play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player format gui slot 20 of player with iron ingot named "&b&lMiner Mine" to run: if player has permission "ecocave.minermine": make player execute "warp MinerMine" play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player
  6. Easy: on place of coal block: if player's held item is coal block named "&8Coal Gen": add event-block's location to {coal.generator::1::*} send action bar "&aYou placed a &8Cobblestone Generator" to player on break of coal block: if {coal.generator::1::*} contains event-block's location: remove event-block's location from {coal.generator::1::*} send action bar "&cYou removed a &8Coal generator" to player every 3 seconds: drop 1 coal 0.5 meters above {coal.generator::1::*}
  7. on join: wipe player's sidebar set name of sidebar of player to "____&3&lArcRPG&8____" set score "&8&lAccount: &5&l%player%" in sidebar of player to 3 set score "&5&lOur Site! : &b&l/buy" in sidebar of player to 2
  8. What do you want it to give you and what block
  9. command /shop: trigger: open chest with 1 rows named "&2&lAbility Shop" to player format gui slot 0 of player with feather named "&f&lPower Jump" with lore "&cCosts: 1000$" to run: if player's balance >= 1000: send "&aPurchased Succesfully" to player Im making an ability shop
  10. When i do: if player's balance >= 1000: it says Can't compare "player's balance" with an integer
  11. Doesn't seem to like if player's balance >= 1000:
  12. Hi i was wondering what are the variables for essentials balance. Like how to take money away and add money
  13. Yo my guy do you have a mic i can teach you some scripting knowledge?
  14. idk i didn't really make it Do you have discord if you do add me: JustASmileyDude#0052
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