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Everything posted by Alfoe

  1. Masterful tactic on getting more players, this helped alot! My brain is now expanded.
  2. im going to the beach today. i dont like the beach. creds to @Tresre for the epic title inspiration, waiting on part 2 :>>
  3. Yeah, false banned. Benny's dealing with it but he has no electricity atm due to hurricanes or whatever so im still banned.
  4. Good luck to everyone who decides to apply! I'm not going to waste my time going through the whole process just to trip up at the last hurdle a third time
  5. Okay, will do next time, thanks for the tip
  6. Skript for the command /dupe: command /dupe: trigger: give player player's held item if player's held item is air: message "&cYou cannot duplicate air, silly!" Random Item Generator Skript with toggle command: variables: {%player%.random} = true every 15 seconds: loop all players: if {%loop-player%.random} = true: give loop-player a random element of all items command /itemstoggle: trigger: if {%player%.random} = true: set {%player%.random} to false message "&7You have disabled the random item generator, to re-enable do &c/itemstoggle &7again." else: set {%player%.random} to true message "&7You have enabled the random item generator, to disable do &c/itemstoggle &7again." Feel free to change the commands, colours timing etc, these are very easy Scripts but this is for anyone who wants to make a dupe server in 5 nanoseconds and somehow become a popular server just copy the text's into .sk files in the skript file section and bing bong you have a duping server cause its minehut and people like non-quality content for some reason, people eat this shit up like hotcakes
  7. Alfoe


    Yeah, add FeatherBoard, it is the best scoreboard plugin, in my years as a server configurator / setup specialist it is by far the most easy to use and feature rich plugin out there for scoreboard needs.
  8. Some amount of names is one way of putting it xD
  9. Ty, and ye it is haha
  10. Hello, people of Minehut. My name is Alfie (AKA Arh) I am a long time Minehut player, being around since 2015. You may or may not know me! I have had many, many...many names over the years but most of the time I just go for Alfie (you can find all the names below if interested) I have been blacklisted once, uhhh i've been opped in the mh lobby + been a mod for a bit these are the biggest achievements of my life IRL and online. I am a part-time Minecraft configuration and setup specialist for servers outside of Minehut but am glad to be bringing my expertise back to Minehut to make some cool servers. Just realised no-one cares so imma leave this here, i guess this is my "return" pog My Many Many Names over the years SimmyTheSlime PizzaPlanetGames Arithmical WilmstersSon ArchieIsHere JimboJam 0b0t Acosted / AcostedBot JustDiePlease Luuuuuuuuuuuuke MultiLinguals Wisks Nyena AlfieIsHere AyyIts2b2t PlayerRealms EmojiMaker Vyler Sweey Kritas Hollyss dwayeh Lazzzzy iAlfiee ThanosReeves SideHead Peniguns SmallBit MukBang2 [21:17] and finally Arh
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