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  1. CoolProgrammer's post in Vixio not working on my server -HELPPPP was marked as the answer   
    Looks like MaxBansPlus conflicts with Vixio. Not sure, try without MaxBansPlus.
  2. CoolProgrammer's post in mods? was marked as the answer   
    Sadly, you can't. ๐Ÿ˜ž
    But there is a wide variety of plugins!
  3. CoolProgrammer's post in My minehut server isnt working was marked as the answer   
    Try doing the following:
    -> Start your server from Panel, but do not join it.
    -> As soon as it starts, spam this exact text in the console: minecraft:kill @e
    -> After a couple of seconds, your server should be online and you should be able to connect to it.
    -> In-case it doesn't work, try doing it once more.
  4. CoolProgrammer's post in whats a recommend economy plguin with quickshop plugin was marked as the answer   
    Hey, I would use EssentialsX as an economy plugin, but you are free to choose any other one too.
  5. CoolProgrammer's post in help with nether loading was marked as the answer   
    Hey, so what is the world name in which all your progress is stored?
    So let's say it's "x".
    Do the following:
    -> Go to Settings tab of you server.
    -> Change your Level Name to "x".
    -> Click on Save.
    -> Restart your server, and you should automatically spawn in with your items, and the last location you left at.
  6. CoolProgrammer's post in my server didn't start was marked as the answer   
    After a while of it showing online, could you send your server logs here?
    Do it as follows:
    -> Go to File Manager > logs > latest.log.
    -> Select all the file contents and copy them.
    -> Now you can paste the logs where you want. If you want to send them to someone else go to a website, such as Pastebin. then paste everything in there, click on create new paste, then copy the link of the website and send the link of the website.
  7. CoolProgrammer's post in hi was marked as the answer   
    Hey Diphi, nice to meet you.
    You can introduce yourself by clicking HERE since this category is used to seek help regarding your server. ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. CoolProgrammer's post in Bulliyng and tp on a normal survival server was marked as the answer   
    You should try contacting the owner of this server (5smp) and report them about this since Minehut can't really do much about this.
    Also, please take a look at the Player Server rules. They can be found by clicking HERE.
  9. CoolProgrammer's post in When did I join was marked as the answer   
    You can right-click with your head in the lobby, and once a menu opens up, hover over your head in the menu.
  10. CoolProgrammer's post in Permission ex issue was marked as the answer   
    You would have to enable it for operators in PermissionsEX's configuration.
    You can find the config as follows:
    -> Go to File Manager.
    -> Look for a folder called plugins.
    -> Then dive into plugins and look for a folder named PermissionsEX.
    -> Open config.yml and look for an option that allows you to enable PermissionsEX commands for operators.
  11. CoolProgrammer's post in How do I make all players spawn in one spot? was marked as the answer   
    Ah, yes. /setworldspawn will make players spawn randomly around the point. This was done to prevent players suffocating and dying in once place.
    You can use a plugin such as Multiverse to make sure that players spawn at the exact co-ordinates using /mv setspawn.
    Or even better, could use Skript to directly teleport them whenever they join.
    on join: teleport player to location(0, 32, 0, world("world")) ย 
  12. CoolProgrammer's post in TPS LOW was marked as the answer   
    Hey, do you know what timings are? Timings is a feature which lets you report all the server statistics.
    Follow this guide and paste a link to your timings so we can find what is wrong: https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/timings/
    Let me know if you don't understand anything, I will tell you.
  13. CoolProgrammer's post in Someone spawned a item that crashed my server. and i can't join it how do i fix it? was marked as the answer   
    Hey there.
    This is how you can fix it:
    -> Start your server, but don't join it.
    -> While it's showing you "Starting..." status, type this in the console: minecraft:kill @e
    -> Keep executing that command until your server shows "Online" status.
    -> Join back your server.
  14. CoolProgrammer's post in Hello. How to make a server pirated was marked as the answer   
    Hey there.
    Unfortunately, this isn't possible.
    These are the ones on which you play with TLauncher, Mineshafter, etc. launchers.
    Minehut doesn't support cracked minecraft versions or servers.
    So, the only way possible is to purchase a licensed copy of Minecraft.
  15. CoolProgrammer's post in How do I run proximity chat using DiscordSRV was marked as the answer   
    No one replied or helped you with this, really questions me.
    But don't worry ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm super late but here to help you.
    Check this link: https://github.com/DiscordSRV/DiscordSRV/wiki/voice
    This is the official DiscordSRV wiki which provides you with documentation about using the plugin's feature, Voice Proximity.
    I'm very sure you won't understand few parts of it, but feel free to reply back here asking help with anything.
  16. CoolProgrammer's post in Ban was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Buttersaeure!
    Use this link to appeal ๐Ÿ™‚: https://forums.minehut.com/application/form/3-player-appeals/
  17. CoolProgrammer's post in Redstone TNT arrow scattershot help was marked as the answer   
    Hey again.
    Then I think there isn't any way to do that on Paper servers and there isn't any plugins available for that.
    The best thing you can do is try it on single player or pure vanilla minecraft server.
  18. CoolProgrammer's post in How do I UN-Ignore a player was marked as the answer   
    Hey there.
    You can simply type in /ignore (player-name) once again to unignore them.
  19. CoolProgrammer's post in It says "An error occurred. Please try again" when trying to upload worlds. was marked as the answer   
    Hey there.
    You can try to upload your world in-game through a service like Dropbox or file.io.
    Do the following:
    -> Upload your world ZIP file to Dropbox or file.io.
    -> Then to in-game and execute command /ul world (name) (link). The (name) will be the name of the world you want, and (link) is the link to the ZIP file you just uploaded.
    -> Restart your server to import the new world you just uploaded.
  20. CoolProgrammer's post in My server wont start was marked as the answer   
    Hey again!
    Okay, great, so it's not the plugin limit which prevents the startup.
    Also, after looking at the logs, it looks like something's wrong with yourย server.properties file.

    If you take a closer look, it shows that the Generator Settings broke your server and prevented it from starting up (or Mojang broke it).

    Could you change or reset your generation settings to something like this (just to have the value changed):

    And then try starting/restarting your server again?
    Should hopefully fix, but if it doesn't then let me know.
  21. CoolProgrammer's post in Troubleshooting Placeholder API was marked as the answer   
    Hey there!
    This is a problem with all minehut servers, where all expansions are reset from /plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions.
    This is how I deal with the problem (via. Skript):
    on load: wait 5 seconds console command "papi ecloud download Player" wait 1 second console command "papi ecloud download server" wait 1 second console command "papi reload" And maybe, you can do something like that as well, until minehut fixes the problem.
    My theory:
    Since Minehut has a plugin manager (to make sure all servers are running latest plugins), it might have conflicted with placeholder expansions (since those are .jar files) and removing them every single time the server starts or stops.
    That's just my theory but the problem might even be something else! ๐Ÿ˜…
  22. CoolProgrammer's post in World Upload was marked as the answer   
    Hey there.
    Keep trying this for another 2-3 times. If it still doesn't work, try using an alternative file sharing service.
    Alternatively, could you execute /dl log, download the log file and after that, copy-paste the contents of the file onto https://pastebin.com/? After doing that, share the pastebin link here, so we can find out the problem.
  23. CoolProgrammer's post in All rank's /advertise cooldown? was marked as the answer   
    VIP - 7 minutes [No-Formatting] [Colors] [Non-Clickable]
    PRO - 5 minutes [Formatting] [Colors] [Non-Clickable]
    LEGEND - 3 minutes [Formatting] [Colors] [Clickable]
    PATRON - 1 minute [Formatting] [Colors] [Clickable]
  24. CoolProgrammer's post in How do I change mob spawn rate? was marked as the answer   
    Just go to File Manager, and then open bukkit.yml.
    In there, you can find the following options:

    Edit them to your liking, and then reboot your server.
  25. CoolProgrammer's post in 1 million block of tnt explosion crashes and lags server, please help to get fixed was marked as the answer   
    Follow these steps:
    1. Start server and do not join it.
    2. Execute this command via console: "halt-activity confirm"
    3. Join the server, and execute /killall all (if you have Essentials installed)
    4. Clean the TNT via WorldEdit.
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