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Everything posted by rosabel

  1. Nope. Currently no way to do that. Bedrock users must join through the lobby.
  2. Welcome to the forums! I hope to see you around.
  3. rosabel

    Who is Cuter?

    Baby yoda by far. Sorry groot.
  4. Sounds like someone else on the server (or your friend) was messing with you using command blocks or something of the sort. Nobody has ever seemed to have experienced this before. But if you are certain it wasn't, you might want to bring this to Minehut's attention.
  5. Check the SkriptHub docs or download Skript plugins off of Spigot and look through them and learn from them. You can also ask in Marketplace if anyone would be willing to teach you. The first thing you want to learn, though, is how to make a command, following variables thereafter.
  6. rosabel


    Please post questions like this in the Help section of the forums. Also, starting after you stop it? It could be that someone is doing /join from the Minehut lobby and trying to join your server. If you don't want them to, you can always do /whitelist on to prevent them from joining. Either way, if they do /join your server is going to start, only with whitelist on they can't join it. All in all, not much to worry about. Hope this helped.
  7. M I N E H U T C O M M U N I T Y F A Q HOW TO USE GROUP MANAGER REQUIREMENTS: Group Manager, Vault, EssentialsX, EssentialsChat DIFFICULTY: Easy Introduction to Group Manager Do you want to set up ranks, permissions, and groups for your server in one plugin in an easy, understandable way? Group Manager is for you! Please note that Group Manager is an outdated plugin and no longer receives updates, this means that there may be bugs that will not get fixed. Getting started There are a few things you need to do before starting with Group Manager. You’ll need to change/enable a few things first. The first thing you need to do is head over to File Manager > Plugins > Essentials > config.yml Scroll down until you see “change-displayname: true” and set it to “change-displayname: false”. After, scroll until you find the ‘format’ section, which looks like this: The format of defaults can be changed by changing the format that doesn’t have a hashtag # before it. You can assign special formats to different groups as well. For example, I want everyone’s chat format to be this: DEFAULT rosathorn: message. I would do it like so: Once completing these steps click the Save button in the file and execute the command /ess reload to reload the EssentialsX config. Setting up Groups Groups in Group Manager are relatively easy to set up. The first step is to create the group, then you can go onto adding prefixes, suffixes, permissions, and finally, add players to your group! In Group Manager, the rank ‘Default’ is the group everyone is given when they join the server. Thus, setting someone to default rank will make them like any regular player as long as they aren’t an operator. Commands: /mangadd Helper - Creates a new group ‘Helper’ being where your group name is. /mangdel Helper - Deletes that same group . /manuadd (username) Helper - Adds a player to that group. /manuadd username) Default - Sets the player back to the Default rank thus removing that group. Prefixes and Suffixes In Group Manager, you can set player-specific or group-specific prefixes and suffixes. Remember, it will not work if you don’t have the required plugins or don’t do the required steps mentioned in the Getting Started section. Note also that if you want suffixes, you will need to alter the formatting in the config.yml file as you did above for {PREFIX} and set the format to {PREFIX} {DISPLAYNAME} {SUFFIX}&8: {MESSAGE}. Commands: /mangaddv Helper prefix/suffix &a&lHELPER - This sets the prefix or suffix of anyone in the Helper group to HELPER. /mangdelv Helper prefix/suffix - This will remove the prefix or suffix of the group Helper. /manuaddv (username) prefix/suffix &a&lVIP - This command will apply a prefix or a suffix to specifically that mentioned player and will set their prefix/suffix to VIP. /manudelv (username) prefix/suffix - Like above, this removes the specified user’s prefix/suffix. Setting up Permissions Permissions, like the other things, are quite simple and easy to set up. Though, it won’t work if you don’t apply the correct permission node. To get these nodes, you’ll usually need to look up the plugin and find the permission nodes for the commands. For example, Essential’s permission node for /fly is essentials.fly. Permissions can be applied to specific players or specific groups. Commands: /mangaddp Helper (permission node) - Adds a permission to the group. /mangdelp Helper (permission node) - Deletes that same permission. /manuaddp (username) (permission node) - Adds a permission to the specific player. /manudelp (username) (permission node) - Removes a permission from the specific player. Require further assistance? If you need more help on this topic, head over to this section of forums, or join our Discord!
  8. Yeah, the difficulty setting in the dashboard is currently broken, so only the command works right now. You sure you're disabling it, then clicking the Save button then restarting? You could also try enabling command-blocks, restarting, then disabling command-blocks and restarting again to see if that fixes it. As for the render distance, also make sure you have the render distance options adjusted to your liking client-side. esc > options > video settings. Hope this helps.
  9. Did you also make sure to install LibsDisguise and ProtocolLib as well? If not, install both and fully restart your server and then you can check. Hope this helps. Also here is the plugin page should you require further guidance: Overview - Morph - Bukkit Plugins - Projects - Bukkit
  10. rosabel


    Gee, thanks
  11. You would have to be a Helper rank or above.
  12. Is this the logs after the server crashed? If so, I recommend uninstalling the Backpack plugin, restarting, and trying to join again. It's going out on a limb, but this could be what's causing it. If it still doesn't work, I would look into opening a support ticket at https://minehut.com/support/form.
  13. Hey! This could be for a variety of reasons. I tried joining your server, and it's essentially crashing on startup. I'll need to take a look in your server logs. As well as, what were you last doing before this started happening? > Join your server > After joining, go to your server dashboard and go to File Manager > Go to the logs folder > Scroll down until you see a file called latest.log > Copy everything inside of there into the text box at https://pastebin.com/ > Click Create New Paste > Send the link in a post here Additionally, have you tried turning your server offline and going into Danger Zone and clicking Repair core files before?
  14. give 1 of diamond named "&6&lCoin" to player And if you want lore.. give 1 of diamond named "&6&lCoin" with lore "line 1" and "line2" to player
  15. Unfortunately, there is no way. You could ask other people if they know the server by describing it to them or browse through the server list to see if anything sounds familiar. I'd suggest writing down the names or adding the server to your Favorites by right-clicking the server icon in the server browser.
  16. I need builders for my unique server concept. Bunkered. You would be building a lot of abandoned houses, buildings, city buildings, etc. If interested, message me on Discord with my tag in my signature.
  17. Love this post. Appreciation to all the rest of the Staff Team for working hard!
  18. Can you paste all of your skripts somewhere and link them here so that I can overlook it all? Also, please list all of your plugins. The name of your server would also be helpful. You can PM me on the forums if you don't feel comfortable saying it here.
  19. Mine is v, it's cool so why not
  20. on spawn: event-entity is a mob apply speed 3 without any particles to event-entity for 99999 seconds You will need to use this piece of code. Change the code to match your needs.
  21. Have you tried opening up a support ticket? They can likely solve your issue.
  22. Yeah, sorry. You need TusKe.
  23. Don't know. Those GUI's are really buggy sometimes. Use this version instead: Works, and I tried it. function MeleeShop(p: player): set {_u} to uuid of {_p} wait 3 ticks create new gui with virtual chest named "Melee Shop" with 3 rows: format gui slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 with gray stained glass pane named "&a" format gui slot 10 with iron sword named "&fSteel Sword" with lore "&7Made loosely with tin an iron." and "&7Maybe not the best choice." and "&6Price &e&l| &r&6100 Coins": SteelSword({_p}) open last gui to {_p} function SteelSword(p: player): if {Coins::%{_p}%} is greater than or equal to 100: give {_p} iron sword named "<##e4e4e4>Steel Sword" with lore "<##d5d5d5>Made loosely with tin and iron." and "<##d5d5d5>Maybe not the best choice." remove 100 from {Coins::%{_p}%} send "&aSuccess!" to {_p} else: send "&cNot enough coins!" to {_p}
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