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Status Replies posted by rosabel

  1. I have a quick small question. Why was I invited to your club?

    1. rosabel


      Just inviting a bunch of random people as we're releasing September 4th

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Okay I didn't want to make this another post on the Off-Topic since I somehow managed to get another 100 posts.. this time in only 2 days.. what in the world how am I doing this I don't know........ anyways yeah I somehow got 100 more posts AND I've been helping more people & I've getting into contact with more and more people, which is always something very exciting!  Hope I can continue on bringing help to the forums and making sure the forums stays as positive, active, and warm-hearted as it currently is, and even more if possible! I will also try my best to reduce the time for people to receive help! Hopefully I am doing a good job as I am currently and hopefully I can continue my current speed!

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