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Posts posted by nullific

  1. Hey! Vixio is currently on version 2.0.0, however version 2.0.3 has been released. In this update, it fixes many bugs that actually break the bot, one of them being unable to play youtube/soundcloud clips. I would love to see this update roll out, as it would also include more features that we could develop our bot with, one of them being able to shuffle the queue of a bot, and another user ban and unban events.

    I was unable to find a spigot/bukkit link, therefore I linked the github release. Thank you for reading :).

    [Been requested since 23rd June]


  2. Hey! Vixio is currently on version 2.0.0, however version 2.0.3 has been released. In this update, it fixes many bugs that actually break the bot, one of them being unable to play youtube/soundcloud clips. I would love to see this update roll out, as it would also include more features that we could develop our bot with, one of them being able to shuffle the queue of a bot, and another user ban and unban events.

    I was unable to find a spigot/bukkit link, therefore I linked the github release. Thank you for reading 🙂.


  3. On 8/30/2019 at 6:26 PM, fueL said:

    DON'T DO IT!


    Actually it doesn't. It fixes many conflicts with skript itself (such as changes id of event-channel to discord id of event-channel). I'm currently running a local server  with vixio 2.0.1 and my bots are working fine, in fact I made a music bot. In 2.0.0 the music is completely broken.

  4. Hey! Vixio is in need of an update, in the version 2.0.1 many bugs are fixed. Including few of the following: Play audio fix,  Command system bug with getting mentioned users in dm's and adds various features such as clone effect, which clones a channel. Woah! It will be greatly appreciated if this plugin is updated, as it would help my server development a lot.

    Github: https://github.com/iBlitzkriegi/Vixio/releases

    Spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skript-addon-vixio-the-best-discord-addon-on-the-market.34360/

  5. Hey! Vixio is in need of an update, in the version 2.0.1 many bugs are fixed. Including few of the following: Play audio fix,  Command system bug with getting mentioned users in dm's and adds various features such as clone effect, which clones a channel. Woah! It will be greatly appreciated if this plugin is updated, as it would help my server development a lot.

    Github: https://github.com/iBlitzkriegi/Vixio/releases

    Spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skript-addon-vixio-the-best-discord-addon-on-the-market.34360/

  6. 6 hours ago, TacticalModz said:

    FunkySK is outdated and will not work on 1.14 and has not been updated over a year. So my advice is to check the plugin if its supports 1.14 and is recently updated

    +1 for NoteblockAPI

    I literally just tested it with a skript and it works fine on a 1.14.4 server

  7. Hey! I know I've suggested these before, and they were turned down. However, they both now support version 1.14. I have personally tested them on a 1.14.4 server, and they are working fine with the latest version of NoteBlockAPI, Skript, and FunkySK. In order for FunkySK to work, NoteBlockAPI must be installed, the links are provided below. It would also be a great convenience if ".nbs" files were able to be uploaded. (.nbs stands for .noteblocksound). .nbs is harmless, as it acts as an .mp3 but for Minecraft. Thank's for reading, and it would be greatly appreciated if these features were added to Minehut.



  8. 2 hours ago, TacticalModz said:


    May be useless to you, however it's a great way to allow other users to have access to the console and a nice feature to have. Just because you think it's useless, doesn't mean it shouldn't be added.

  9. 11 minutes ago, TacticalModz said:

    Completely Useless! -1

    you can easily log stuff without any skript addons. All you need is Skript!

    Log Example:

    log "%player% joined the server for the first time (##%{playersjoined}%)" to "UniquePlayers/count.log"

    Logs are located via File Manager Plugins Skript Logs UniquePlayers > count.log

    Yes, however you can not read logs such as "on log", this is what I used for my discord console. <on log: send the logged message to channel with id "id">

  10. Hey! I am suggesting Skript-Logs so we can read server logs, and send logs to our own server. This cannot edit outside servers, just the one that it is running on. On another host, I used Vixio and Skript-Logs to make a discord server console. All logs from the console was sent to a discord channel and anything sent to the discord channel acted as a command and I found it extremely helpful and useful. Due to Skript-Logs not having a spigot page, I've linked the Github, Skriptaddons.net and SkHubDocs pages. I have linked the SkHubDocs pages so you can view all of which the addon can do. Thanks for reading, and it'll be greatly appreciated if you added this plugin. To see what I find this helpful for doing, click here. [gyazo.com]






  11. Hey! I'd like to request two plugins.

    FunkySk - FunkySk is a skript addon that allows users to play custom music to the user via skript lines. FunkySk is safe and does not allow file editing access, the latest version does work as long as you have the latest version of NoteBlockAPI, which brings me onto my next suggestion.

    NoteBlockAPI - NoteBlockAPI is a plugin which is just an API, it allows other plugins using music (noteblock sounds) to work.

    NOTE: If FunkySk is added, we would need the permission to upload .nbs files to the filemanager. (.nbs and simple noteblocksound files, and cannot be in harmful as they are basically .mp3). This would allow players servers to become insanely custom, and create better development for RPG type servers. All around, it's good fun and easier than using a texture pack. Thank you for reading my suggestion, links are provided below.


    FunkySk - https://github.com/TheLimeGlass/FunkySk/releases/tag/1.0.1c

    NoteBlockAPI - https://github.com/koca2000/NoteBlockAPI/releases/tag/1.4.3 

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