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Everything posted by Geese

  1. Here you go, you'll have to implement getting the sellwands and setting sellwand multiplier yourself due to lack of detail. There are two admin commands, /sellwand [<player>] (gives you a sellwand) and /setmultiplier <number> (sets your multiplier, variable is {itemmultiplier::%player's uuid%}) (Requires Vault and a compatible economy plugin to be installed, if you have a custom economy that holds balances in variables, replace "player's balance" with the variable.) NOTE: If you replace "player's balance" with variables, you won't need Vault or a compatible economy plugin. sellwand.sk
  2. hello yes I made a captcha skript You can customize how long the captcha codes are, how long it takes for you to get kicked automatically if you dont solve the captcha and the permission to bypass captchacode.sk
  3. [ santio, don't look at this i dont wanna be bullied ] Hello, I've made a staff chat skript because I'm bored, and it's super customizable. You can change the format, all the messages, the prefix, the permission, the command, the no permission message and the usage message! Skunity Parser Pastebin File Download (Attached to the forum post) staff chat.sk
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