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Everything posted by hangtight

  1. could be shortened.. by tons of lines..
  2. he is using custom permissions.. but its one of his skripts from his skript folder that he released for his server. + it literally looks the same and he didn't even provide the function so it wouldn't even work.
  3. hes a friend of mine, he released his skripts for one of his servers. this is HIS broadcast skript.. command /broadcast [<text>]: aliases: bc trigger: if executor is not a player: set {_perm} to true else: if getHasPermission(player, "hydrogen.command.broadcast") is true: set {_perm} to true if {_perm} is not set: message "&cYou do not have permission to use this command." else: if arg 1 is not set: message "&eUsage: &d/broadcast &f<message>" else: broadcast colored arg 1 command /messagetome [<text>]: aliases: mtm, m2m trigger: if getHasPermission(player, "hydrogen.command.messagetome") is false: message "&cYou do not have permission to use this command." else: if arg 1 is not set: message "&eUsage: &d/messagetome &f<message>" else: message colored arg 1 so give credit mayb?
  4. awfully looks like precedings skirpts.. wait what if it is.. give credits smh
  5. take this function, function formatNumber(n: number) :: string: set {_l::*} to split "k|M|B|T|Qn|Qi|Sx" at "|" set {_i} to min(floor(log({_n})/3), size of {_l::*}) return "%{_n}%" if {_i} <= 0 set {_i2} to 1000^{_i} return "%{_n}/{_i2}%%{_l::%{_i}%}%" # to run, send "%formatNumber(1000)%"
  6. I posted a skript that does the same thing as what you described. #script-releases You can just change the command to "/chest" if you'd like.
  7. Backpack Skript Commands: /backpack /backpack <player> #edit other player's backpack (Staff only) Permissions: rank.srmod (Edit other player's backpack) Skript: https://pastebin.com/AnuxMatu If you have any suggestions/questions, feel free to dm me or reply. hangtight#7221
  8. function reload(p: player): loop {list::*}: make {_p} execute "%{list::*}%" you don't need to loop for this.. and if you do, "make x execute command "%loop-value%"
  9. How would I create a baltop leaderboard hologram using skript?
  10. Staff Chat Download: https://pastebin.com/LUEmgc5k What is it? This is another form of chat for your staff. You can talk about anything and only staff and people with the required permissions can see it. Commands: /sc <message> /sc (toggleable) Permissions: core.staff How to use: Give all staff on your server the required permission. Do /sc to toggle staff chat. Or, you can just do /sc <message>. Please DM me on discord if this does not work for you. hangtight#6120 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/s1jd0z https://prnt.sc/s1jd5z https://prnt.sc/s1jdbs
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