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  1. Diamond03


    Can Some One Please Help Me Fix This Skript command /share <text>: trigger: broadcast "&a&l%player% Has Shared the link <link:%arg-1%>&b&lClick Here"
  2. stacksyz command /heart <player> <number>: permission: heart.use trigger: set arg-1's health to %arg-2% Wont work I tryed it
  3. yes you are cool XD also can you fix this skript for me command /heart <player> <text>: permission: heart.use trigger: set {health.%arg-1%} to arg-2's
  4. Diamond03

    Heart skript

    dose anyone know how to fix this command /heart <player> <text>: permission: heart.use trigger: set {health.%arg-1%} to arg-2's
  5. This is for online players command /invsee <player>: permission: invsee.use trigger: open inventory of arg to player
  6. Maby delete some plugins idk if that will work but you could try it then restart it i think there will no longer be so much download i dont know if this will work
  7. oh that happens to my server to idk what to do!
  8. Diamond03


    help i forgot to do /ad in minehut now im muted please staff unmute me
  9. also if anyone knows why my server keeps stoping and i have to go to minehut.com to start it again admin can you please fix this😔


  10. Dose anyone know why minehut is shuting down if anyone knows please reply to me
  11. yes it has shut down i have no idea why
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