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TaomtoNg last won the day on January 17 2021

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  1. Skirt is skript addon that adds ray trace, bounding box and more stuff that is'nt available with the addons on minehut. https://github.com/MrsDarth/Skirt/releases/tag/1.0.0
  2. Free anti vclip skript. No need to thank me i live to serve anti vclip.sk
  3. https://forums.skunity.com/resources/skjade.1267/ nice addon
  4. you could use the exploded blocks expression to grab the blocks that were exploded for chain. And as for the physics you could use falling blocks and some math.
  5. invsee skript that lets you view offline player inventory as well addons needed: skbee options: #name of your main world world: world command invsee <offline player>: permission: op trigger: if arg is online: open inventory of arg to player else if arg has played before: set {_c} to (chest inventory with 4 rows named "Inventory of %arg%") set {_inv::*} to (tag "Inventory" of file nbt of "{@world}/playerdata/%uuid of arg%") loop {_inv::*}: set {_s} to (tag "Slot" of loop-value) delete (tag "Slot" of loop-value) set slot {_s} of {_c} to item from nbt loop-value open {_c} to player else: send "&c%arg% &chas not played before"
  6. who is the man who turned 100 lines into 5000
  7. mine reset skript addons: skbee (could be easily done without it but everyone should be using this) features: /regsitermine (name) (items) [weights] example: /registermine coal_mine coal_ore,coal_block 9,1 will create a mine with 10% coal blocks and 90% coal ores within the 2 points you have selected using the /minecreate tool /minelist [mine] shows list of mines and their info with options to teleport to or delete mines enjoy on load: loop all itemtypes: add 1 to {_s} wait a tick if mod({_s},10) = 0 loop-value is a block delete {_b} set {_n} to "%loop-value%" in snake case if ({_n} parsed as blockdata) is set: set {_b} to {_n} else: set {_n} to (first ((length of {_n}) - 6) characters of {_n}) set {_b} to {_n} if ({_n} parsed as blockdata) is set set {-blocklist::%{_s}%} to {_b} function registermine(id: string, pos: locations, blocks: blockdatas, chances: nums): set {mine::%{_id}%::items::*} to {_blocks::*} set {mine::%{_id}%::weights::*} to {_chances::*} create bound with id {_id} within {_pos::1} and {_pos::2} resetmine({_id}) function sety(p: players, y: num): loop {_p::*}: set {_ny} to ({_y} - (y-pos of loop-value)) teleport loop-value to (loop-value ~ vector(0,{_ny},0)) function resetmine(mine: string): set {_bound} to bound with id {_mine} set {_ytp} to 1 + (greater y coord of bound {_bound}) sety((all players where [input is in bound {_bound}]),{_ytp}) loop blocks within bound {_bound}: set {_i} to weighted_random({mine::%{_mine}%::weights::*}, {mine::%{_mine}%::items::*}) set loop-block to {_i} function minelist(p: player, mine: string = ""): if {_mine} = "": loop indices of {mine::*}: set {_t} to text component from "&b%loop-value%" set hover event of {_t} to hover event showing "Click for more info" set click event of {_t} to click event to run command "/minelist %loop-value%" set {_t::*} to ({_t::*}, {_t} and (text component from "&f, ")) set {_c} to (size of {_t::*}) delete {_t::%{_c}%} send components ((text component from "&3Mines&f: ") and {_t::*}) to {_p} else: set {_total} to sum({mine::%{_mine}%::weights::*}) loop {mine::%{_mine}%::items::*}: set {_chance} to ({mine::%{_mine}%::weights::%loop-index%}/{_total})*100 set {_i} to "%loop-value%" replace first "minecraft:" in {_i} with "" set {_i::*} to ({_i::*} and (text components from ("&3%{_i}%&f: &b%{_chance}%%%" and "&f, "))) set {_c} to (size of {_i::*}) delete {_i::%{_c}%} set {_t::*} to text component from "&3[Teleport]", " " and "&c[Delete]" set hover event of {_t::1} to hover event showing "Click to teleport to %{_mine}%" set click event of {_t::1} to click event to run command "/minetp %{_mine}%" set hover event of {_t::3} to hover event showing "Click to delete %{_mine}%" set click event of {_t::3} to click event to run command "/delmine %{_mine}%" send components ((text component from "&b%{_mine}%&f:%nl% &bBlocks&f: "), {_i::*}, (text component from "%nl% &bOptions&f: ") and {_t::*}) to {_p} function delmine(mine: string): delete all blocks within bound with id {_mine} delete bound with id {_mine} delete {mine::%{_mine}%::*} command minetp [<string>]: aliases: mineteleport permission: op trigger: if (size of {mine::%arg%::*}) = 0: minelist(player) else: set {_bound} to bound with id arg set {_l::*} to ((greater x coord of bound {_bound}), (1 + (greater y coord of bound {_bound})) and (greater z coord of bound {_bound})) teleport player to (position at (x = {_l::1}, y = {_l::2}, and z = {_l::3}) in world of bound {_bound}) send "&3Teleporting..." command minelist [<string>]: aliases: mineinfo, mines permission: op trigger: minelist(player, (arg ? "")) command delmine [<string>]: permission: op trigger: if (size of {mine::%arg%::*}) = 0: minelist(player) else: send "&cDeleted mine &b%arg%" delmine(arg) command resetmine [<string>]: aliases: resetmines permission: op trigger: if size of {mine::%arg%::*} > 0: resetmine(arg) send "&3Reset mine &b%arg%" else: loop indices of {mine::*}: wait a tick resetmine(loop-value) send "&3Reset all mines" every minute: loop indices of {mine::*}: wait a tick resetmine(loop-value) command registermine [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]: permission: op trigger: set {_id} to uncoloured arg-1 size of {mine::%{_id}%::*} = 0 set {_bd::*} to (split arg-2 at ",") loop {_bd::*}: set {_i::*} to {_i::*} and loop-value parsed as blockdata set {_s::i} to (size of {_i::*}) if arg-3 is set: loop (split arg-3 at ","): set {_n::*} to {_n::*} and loop-value parsed as num else: loop {_s::i} times: set {_n::*} to {_n::*} and 1 set {_s::n} to (size of {_n::*}) if (size of {_bd::*}) != (size of {_i::*}): send "&3/regsitermine &b(name) &a(items) &7[weights]" stop if {_s::i} != {_s::n}: send "&3/regsitermine &b(name) &a(items) &7[weights]" stop set {_pos::*} to metadata tags ("mine pos1" and "mine pos2") of player if min({_s::*}) > 0: if size of {_pos::*} = 2: send "&3Registered mine &b%{_id}%" registermine({_id}, {_pos::*}, {_i::*}, {_n::*}) else: send "&cInsufficient points selected" else: send "&3/regsitermine &b(name) &a(items) &7[weights]" command minecreate: permission: op trigger: set {_i} to glowing(iron axe) named "&3Selection Tool" with lore "", "&7Left click to select pos 1" and "&7Right click to select pos 2" with nbt "{mine.edit:1b}" if tool is air: set tool to {_i} else: give player {_i} on left click: tag "mine.edit" of nbt of tool = 1 cancel event send "&3Set pos 1" set metadata tag "mine pos1" of player to target block on right click: tag "mine.edit" of nbt of tool = 1 cancel event send "&3Set pos 2" set metadata tag "mine pos2" of player to target block on tab complete: if event-string is "/delmine", "/mineinfo", "/minelist", "/mines", "/resetmines", "/resetmine", "/minetp" or "/mineteleport": set tab completions for position 1 to indices of {mine::*} else if event-string is "/registermine": set tab completions for position 2 to {-blocklist::*} function glowing(i: itemtype) :: itemtype: return {_i} with nbt "{Enchantments:[{id:""minecraft:lure"",lvl:69s}],HideFlags:1}" function weighted_random(chances: numbers, ids: objects) :: object: set {_random} to random number between 0 and sum({_chances::*}) loop {_chances::*}: add loop-value to {_current} return {_ids::%loop-index%} if {_random} <= {_current} also thanks whoever made the weighted random function
  8. The default factions plugin for minehut does not include spawner value, and is quite restricted in the config settings. I suggest adding the plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/f-top-factions-top-by-novucs.26905/
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