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Everything posted by HugeAdventure

  1. on load: set {StoneNbt} to "Your Head Id" on block break: if player's inventory contains 32 of cobblestone: remove 32 cobblestone from player's inventory: give player skull named "&6Compressed Stone" with nbt {StoneNbt} and all flags hidden smth like this?
  2. its not the velocity, it can be because of minehut "as a velocity server" and that the server can have outdated things, or you made something in skript that break it.
  3. on load: set {nbt} to nbt "YourHeadIdHere" give player head with nbt {nbt} named "&eCompacted Cobblestone" i hope this helps. if you have any questions, just send it here!
  4. every 1 hour: loop all players: execute console command "/test" add 1 to {HoursCountdown} every 1 minute: add 1 to {MinutesCountdown} is it something like this u mean? please specify what u ment!
  5. alr, so have you correctly set up a bot. and it needs in discord developer portal to have the permission (red messages). thats prob why it doesn't work !
  6. thats wrong, look here! options: prefix: &4Coke&cDupe &8| &cItem &4Duped! command /dupe: trigger: set {_item} to player's tool if {_item} doesn't contain lore "undupeable": give {_item} to player send "{@prefix}" stop else: message "&cYou Cant Dupe This Item ):"
  7. store a cooldown in a variable and then set it and have a every 1 second: loop all players: remove 1 from variable etc
  8. u can make it just with luckperms, but here is a example: please like the post if you like it command weeklyvip [<player>]: permission: your.permission trigger: send title "&bWeakly VIP" with subtitle "&aLets go" to arg-1 set {weeklyvip::%arg-1%} to 7 execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% parent set vip" every 24 hours: loop all players: if {weeklyvip::%loop-player%} is set: remove 1 from {weeklyvip::%loop-player%} if {weeklyvip::%loop-player%} = 0: delete {weeklyvip::%loop-player%} execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% parent clear"
  9. u forgot to set {makedamage::%player%} instead of a global variable, so it just works for everyone! on right click with sword: if name of player's tool is "&c&lRoyal &7&lScepter": play mob spawner flames at position of player to the player set {makedamage::%player%} to true wait 10 second set {makedamage::%player%} to false every 3 ticks: loop all players: if {makedamage} is true: damage all players in radius 300 of loop-player by 2 hearts
  10. its just because 1: your server version 2: if your using paper, go into config and enable it. 3: you built it wrong. 4: any plugin making a mess.
  11. how many plugins do you have, also send the crash logg from console.
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