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Everything posted by _omga

  1. You can use a seedcracker. Search up "Minecraft Seedcracker" on Google.
  2. _omga

    Server Credits help

    Yes. If you reset the world, your server plan and credits will still be there.
  3. _omga


    Did you join the right server?
  4. _omga


    You are welcome.
  5. _omga


    on chat: set the chat format to "%player's prefix% &7%player%&8: &f%message%" This should work
  6. _omga


    Please go to the Skript Discussion subforum for questions about skript.
  7. Minehut has many tutorials on skript. Here is one of them.
  8. on right click: player's tool is stone teleport player to location(1, 1, 1)
  9. This subforum is supposed to be used for suggesting plugins. Post questions in the Help forum.
  10. Some suggestions: You can change this: add player's uuid to {toggle::*} if {toggle::*} doesn't contain player's uuid remove player's uuid from {toggle::*} if {toggle::*} contains player's uuid To this: add player's uuid to {toggle::*} if {toggle::*} doesn't contain player's uuid, else remove player's uuid from {toggle::*} Skript has built in permissions for commands: command example: permission: example trigger: else if would have no effect here: else if arg-1 = "remove": as you have a stop in the if statement. Cool skript though!
  11. It should be starting on your dashboard. Could you go to your server commands and run the command /kill @e[type=item]
  12. So, when you press the Start Server button, nothing happens? Could you try pressing the button again, maybe reloading the page?
  13. _omga

    2 questions

    MineResetLite can be used to reset the ores. A permissions plugin can be used to make prefixes and ranks. (Permissions EX or LuckPerms) Alternatively, you can use the plugin Skript for both.
  14. Start your server. Before you join the server, run the command "/kill @e[type=item]" in the server console.
  15. Is this a schematic you made or a schematic you downloaded off the internet.
  16. _omga

    Server file

    Can you send your logs in a pastebin here?
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