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Everything posted by itsKimo

  1. not sure why you had to put it i9n a gui but you could do this with metadata tags command playtime <offlineplayer=%player%>: trigger: if arg-1 has not played before: send "&cThis player has not been on the server before!" to player else: set metadata tag "playtimeGUI" of player to chest inventory with 1 row named "&a%arg-1%&a's Playtime" set slot (integers between 0 and 8) of metadata tag "playtimeGUI" of player to black stained glass pane named "&0" with all flags hidden set slot 4 of metadata tag "playtimeGUI" of player to arg-1's head named "&a%arg-1%" with lore "&aPlaytime: %arg-1's time played%" with all flags hidden open metadata tag "playtimeGUI" of player to player vanilla skript, as tuske is buggy and not good
  2. looks like you got ignoredddddd, anyways you gotta tell me which thing it is you right click on on right click: player's target = block here: set player's luckperms group to "Whatever you want" change block here to the block u want and change whatever you want to the group you want Keep in mind this requires Skript and SkUniversal
  3. yo thats so cool, howd you make it?
  4. I don't believe its possible to view the time it took but I can do this for you (without that part) on script load: send "&bSkript Reloaded: &f%script%&b.sk" to all players
  5. I can do this for you. command /wardrobe: trigger: set metadata tag "wardrobe" of player to chest inventory with 2 rows named "&bWardrobe" set slot (integers between 0 and 17) of metadata tag "wardrobe" of player to black stained glass pane named "&0" with all flags hidden set slot 3 of metadata tag "wardrobe" of player to iron ingot named "&fIron Armor" with all flags hidden set slot 4 of metadata tag "wardrobe" of player to gold ingot named "&6Gold Armor" with all flags hidden set slot 5 of metadata tag "wardrobe" of player to diamond named "&bDiamond Armor" with all flags hidden set slot 13 of metadata tag "wardrobe" of player to netherite ingot named "&5Netherite Armor" with all flags hidden open metadata tag "wardrobe" of player to player on inventory click: if event-inventory is metadata tag "wardrobe" of player: cancel event if index of event-slot is 3: close player's inventory equip player with iron helmet equip player with iron chestplate equip player with iron leggings equip player with iron boots send "&aEquipped with &fIron Armor" to player else if index of event-slot is 4: close player's inventory equip player with gold helmet equip player with gold chestplate equip player with gold leggings equip player with gold boots send "&aEquipped with &6Gold Armor" to player else if index of event-slot is 5: close player's inventory equip player with diamond helmet equip player with diamond chestplate equip player with diamond leggings equip player with diamond boots send "&aEquipped with &bDiamond Armor" to player else if index of event-slot is 13: close player's inventory equip player with netherite helmet equip player with netherite chestplate equip player with netherite leggings equip player with netherite boots send "&aEquipped with &5Netherite Armor" to player Keep in mind this is tested and using vanilla skript, let me know if there is anything wrong or you want anything changed. Enjoy!
  6. This is a little chat reaction script I made. Please don't send hate, just keep it to yourself, let me know if you have any suggestions! HOW IT WORKS HELP ADDING REACTIONS ADDING EXISTING REACTIONS REMOVING REACTIONS REMOVING NON-EXISTANT REACTIONS LIST LEADERBOARD KimoReactions.sk Don't want to install a file? Copy it from the code below. Keep in mind you need OP to use these commands. Enjoy!
  7. hey! you can just add the username to a list once they link, like this: add {_p} to {linked::*} then just check if {linked::*} contains them and then u can stop them. remember this is still skript also for the mod thas probably gonna warn me for necroposting, how would I create a new thread??
  8. ty lol i never knew an equivelent to it
  9. sure! command spawn [<player>]: trigger: arg-1 is not set: {combatlog.%player%} is set: send "&cYou cannot go to spawn now!" to player else: set {spawns.%player%} to true wait 5 seconds if {move.%player%} is set: delete {move.%player%} stop else: delete {spawns.%player%} teleport player to spawn send "&aYou have been sent to spawn." to player else: player does not have permission "spawn.other": send "&cYou cannot teleport others to spawn!" to player else: teleport arg-1 to spawn send "&aYou have been sent to spawn." to arg-1 send "&aYou have sent %arg-1% &ato spawn." to player command setspawn: permission: spawn.set permission message: &cInsufficient permissions! trigger: set spawn to player's location send "&aSpawn has been set!" to player on any movement: if {spawns.%player%} is set: send "&cYou moved! Teleportation cancelled!" set {move.%player%} to true delete {spawns.%player%}
  10. right click: player's tool is a cookie named "&6Clicker": set {clicks::%player's uuid%} to 0 if {clicks::%player's uuid%} is not set set {multi.%player's uuid%} to 1 if {multi.%player's uuid%} is not set add 1 * {multi.%player's uuid%} to {clicks::%player's uuid%} send action bar "&6Clicks: &e%formatNum({clicks::%player's uuid%})%" to player while player is online: wait 1 tick set {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%} to 250 if {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%} is not set if {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%}: if {ready.%player%} is not set: send action bar "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player send "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player set {ready.%player%} to true inventory click: event-inventory = (metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player): cancel event set {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%} to 250 if {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%} is not set event-slot is not red wool or lime wool or black stained glass pane: stop event-slot is red wool: send "&cYou do not have enough clicks!" to player close player's inventory stop index of event-slot = 4: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%}: add 1 * {rebirths::%player's uuid%} to {multi.%player's uuid%} if {rebirths::%player's uuid%} is greater than or equal to 1 add 1 to {multi.%player's uuid%} if {rebirths::%player's uuid%} is not greater than or equal to 1 remove {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%} from {clicks::%player's uuid%} send "&aSuccessfully upgraded." to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player add 250 * {rebirths::%player's uuid%} to {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%} if {rebirths::%player's uuid%} is greater than or equal to 1 add 250 to {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%} if {rebirths::%player's uuid%} is not greater than or equal to 1 delete {ready.%player%} close player's inventory command rebirth: trigger: set {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%} to 250 if {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%} is not set set metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to chest with 1 row named "&d&lRebirth" set slot 0,1,2,6,7 and 8 of metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to black stained glass pane named "&0" set slot 4 of metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to nether star named "&dRebirth" with lore "&7This will cost you: &d%formatNum({rebirthprice.%player's uuid%})%&d Multi" open (metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player) to player inventory click: event-inventory = (metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player): cancel event index of event-slot = 4: set {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%} to 250 if {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%} is not set {multi.%player's uuid%} >= {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%}: set {multi.%player's uuid%} to 100 delete {clicks::%player's uuid%} add 1 to {rebirths::%player's uuid%} add 250 to {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%} send "&a%player% &ahas successfully &d&lrebirthed!" to all players in world "clicker" play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player else: send "&cYou do not have enough multi!" to player close player's inventory left click: player's tool is a cookie named "&6Clicker": set metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to chest inventory with 1 row named "&6&lClicker" set slot 0,1,2,6,7 and 8 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to black stained glass pane named "&0" set {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%} to 250 if {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%} is not set {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= {upgradeprice.%player's uuid%}: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to lime wool named "&aUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &a%formatNum({upgradeprice.%player's uuid%})%&a Clicks" else: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to red wool named "&cUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &c%formatNum({upgradeprice.%player's uuid%})%&c Clicks" open (metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player) to player i re-did it and made it more efficient because yea
  11. yeah yeah I know it could have easily been a lot more shorter and efficient if I just used vars for prices and added to those vars but. who doesn't like a nice long skript am i right
  12. command spawn [<player>]: trigger: arg-1 is not set: {combatlog.%player%} is set: send "&cYou cannot go to spawn now!" to player else: teleport player to spawn send "&aYou have been sent to spawn." to player else: player does not have permission "spawn.other": send "&cYou cannot teleport others to spawn!" to player else: teleport arg-1 to spawn send "&aYou have been sent to spawn." to arg-1 send "&aYou have sent %arg-1% &ato spawn." to player command setspawn: permission: spawn.set permission message: &cInsufficient permissions! trigger: set spawn to player's location send "&aSpawn has been set!" to player this is super easy to use. works in ANY world, if a spawn is not set it just teleports them to the worlds' default spawn. dont hate please and ask me if you need any help there is a combat log thing if you want it. u can always just not use it, it doesn't matter much, if u dont wanna use it u dont have to delete anything as the variable wont ever be set Enjoy
  13. I got bored and made a clicker game. decided to share it. heres the playing part right click on sign: if line 1 of event-block is "clicker": set first line of event-block to "&7[&6Clicker&7]" set third line of event-block to "&6Click to Teleport" right click on sign: if line 1 of event-block is "&7[&6Clicker&7]": teleport player to world "clicker" if player's world is "clicker": wait 10 tick send "&aTeleported." to player else: wait 1 second send "&cYou were not teleported, there was an issue!" to player world change: event-world is "clicker": set slot 0 of player to cookie named "&6Clicker" right click: player's tool is a cookie named "&6Clicker": set {clicks::%player's uuid%} to 0 if {clicks::%player's uuid%} is not set set {multi.%player's uuid%} to 1 if {multi.%player's uuid%} is not set add 1 * {multi.%player's uuid%} to {clicks::%player's uuid%} send action bar "&6Clicks: &e%formatNum({clicks::%player's uuid%})%" to player while player is online: wait 1 tick if {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 100: if {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 1 or 0: if {ready.%player%} is not set: send action bar "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player send "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player set {ready.%player%} to true if {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 250: if {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 2: if {ready.%player%} is not set: send action bar "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player send "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player set {ready.%player%} to true if {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 500: if {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 3: if {ready.%player%} is not set: send action bar "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player send "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player set {ready.%player%} to true if {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 1000: if {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 4: if {ready.%player%} is not set: send action bar "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player send "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player set {ready.%player%} to true if {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 2500: if {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 5: if {ready.%player%} is not set: send action bar "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player send "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player set {ready.%player%} to true if {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 5000: if {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 6: if {ready.%player%} is not set: send action bar "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player send "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player set {ready.%player%} to true if {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 7500: if {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 7: if {ready.%player%} is not set: send action bar "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player send "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player set {ready.%player%} to true if {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 10000: if {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 8: if {ready.%player%} is not set: send action bar "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player send "&aYou are ready to upgrade! &7&o(left click)" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player set {ready.%player%} to true inventory click: event-inventory = (metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player): cancel event event-slot is red wool: send "&cYou do not have enough clicks!" to player close player's inventory stop index of event-slot = 4 {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 1 or 0: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 100: add 1 to {multi.%player's uuid%} delete {clicks::%player's uuid%} send "&aSuccessfully upgraded." to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player delete {ready.%player%} close player's inventory {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 2: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 250: add 1 to {multi.%player's uuid%} delete {clicks::%player's uuid%} send "&aSuccessfully upgraded." to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player delete {ready.%player%} close player's inventory {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 3: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 500: add 1 to {multi.%player's uuid%} delete {clicks::%player's uuid%} send "&aSuccessfully upgraded." to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player delete {ready.%player%} close player's inventory {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 4: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 1000: add 1 to {multi.%player's uuid%} delete {clicks::%player's uuid%} send "&aSuccessfully upgraded." to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player delete {ready.%player%} close player's inventory {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 5: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 2500: add 1 to {multi.%player's uuid%} delete {clicks::%player's uuid%} send "&aSuccessfully upgraded." to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player delete {ready.%player%} close player's inventory {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 6: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 5000: add 1 to {multi.%player's uuid%} delete {clicks::%player's uuid%} send "&aSuccessfully upgraded." to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player delete {ready.%player%} close player's inventory {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 7: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 7500: add 1 to {multi.%player's uuid%} delete {clicks::%player's uuid%} send "&aSuccessfully upgraded." to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player delete {ready.%player%} close player's inventory {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 8: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 10000: add 1 to {multi.%player's uuid%} delete {clicks::%player's uuid%} send "&aSuccessfully upgraded." to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player delete {ready.%player%} close player's inventory left click: player's tool is a cookie named "&6Clicker": set metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to chest inventory with 1 row named "&6&lClicker" set slot 0,1,2,6,7 and 8 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to black stained glass pane named "&0" {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 1 or 0: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 100: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to green wool named "&aUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &a100 Clicks" else: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to red wool named "&cUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &c100 Clicks" {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 2: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 250: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to green wool named "&aUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &a250 Clicks" else: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to red wool named "&cUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &c250 Clicks" {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 3: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 500: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to green wool named "&aUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &a500 Clicks" else: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to red wool named "&cUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &c500 Clicks" {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 4: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 1000: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to green wool named "&aUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &a1000 Clicks" else: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to red wool named "&cUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &c1000 Clicks" {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 5: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 2500: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to green wool named "&aUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &a2500 Clicks" else: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to red wool named "&cUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &c2500 Clicks" {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 6: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 5000: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to green wool named "&aUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &a5000 Clicks" else: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to red wool named "&cUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &c5000 Clicks" {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 7: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 7500: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to green wool named "&aUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &a7500 Clicks" else: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to red wool named "&cUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &c7500 Clicks" {multi.%player's uuid%} is equal to 8: {clicks::%player's uuid%} >= 10000: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to green wool named "&aUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &a10000 Clicks" else: set slot 4 of metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player to red wool named "&cUpgrade Clicker" with lore "&7Costs: &c10000 Clicks" open (metadata tag "clickerGUI" of player) to player and now heres a little scoreboard thing for you to use function clickBar(p: player): set {_u} to {_p}'s uuid toggle {_p}'s scoreboard to on set {_w} to number of all players in world "clicker" set title of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&b&lCLICKER &8| &7(&b%{_w}%&7/&b%maximum amount of players%&7)" set line 15 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "" set line 14 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&b&lYOU" set line 13 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "" set line 12 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&7| &bClicks: &7%formatNum({clicks::%{_u}%} ? 0)%" set line 11 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&7| &bMulti: &7%formatNum({multi.%{_u}%} ? 0)%" set line 10 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&7| &bRebirths: &7%formatNum({rebirths::%{_u}%} ? 0)%" function sideBar(p: player): set {_u} to {_p}'s uuid toggle {_p}'s scoreboard to on set title of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&b&lServer &8| &7(&b%number of all players%&7/&b%maximum amount of players%&7)" set line 15 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "" set line 14 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&b&lYOU" set line 13 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "" set line 12 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&7| &bSomething: &7" set line 11 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&7| &bSomething: &7" set line 10 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "" function formatNum(n: number) :: text: set {_data} to "QT,18|Q,15|T,12|B,9|M,6|k,3" loop split {_data} at "|": set {_s::*} to split loop-value at "," {_n} >= 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number return "%{_n} / 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number%%{_s::1}%" return "%{_n}%" on join: while player is online: wait 1 tick if player's world = "clicker": clickBar(player) else if player's world = "world": sideBar(player) the format function isnt mine, but it was used in the code so I decided to put it in and as a little bonus here is a voidspawn skript on join: while player is online: wait 1 tick if player's world = "clicker": player's y-coordinate < 60: teleport player to world "clicker" else if player's world = "world": player's y-coordinate < 60: teleport player to world "world" please dont respond with hate, I don't care also fyi this is used on MY server it's called Staple so please if you ever join it dont think I stole this from this post since its mine credit me if used and if you have any errors hit me up on discord Kimo#4363 (reply to this post before adding me with ur username (no tag) so ill know) edit: totally forgot but since theres a rebirth variable, might aswell make a rebirth skript to go with it, here it is command rebirth: trigger: set {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%} to 1000 if {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%} is not set set metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to chest with 1 row named "&d&lRebirth" set slot 0,1,2,6,7 and 8 of metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to black stained glass pane named "&0" set slot 4 of metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player to nether star named "&dRebirth" with lore "&7This will cost you: &d%formatNum({rebirthprice.%player's uuid%})%&d Multi" open (metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player) to player inventory click: event-inventory = (metadata tag "rebirthGUI" of player): cancel event index of event-slot = 4: set {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%} to 1000 if {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%} is not set {multi.%player's uuid%} >= {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%}: set {multi.%player's uuid%} to 500 delete {clicks::%player's uuid%} add 1 to {rebirths::%player's uuid%} add 500 to {rebirthprice.%player's uuid%} send "&a%player% &ahas successfully &d&lrebirthed!" to all players in world "clicker" play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player else: send "&cYou do not have enough multi!" to player close player's inventory Enjoy!
  14. did you try searching on google? I got the answer right away. set {_durability} to max durability of player's tool - durability of player's tool if {_durability} is max durability of player's tool:
  15. i know im necro but damn im pissed, no that wouldnt work, its a command not an event, his skript is correct
  16. because vanilla whitelist is bad
  17. if clicked item is max durability: #stuff
  18. options: prefix: <##00BFFF>&lSERVER NAME &8| <##00BFFF> hex: <##00BFFF> command whitelist [<text>] [<offlineplayer>]: permission: whitelist.sk permission message: &cInsufficient permissions! trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/whitelist help" to player else if arg-1 is not "help" or "list" or "add" or "remove" or "on" or "off": send "&c/whitelist help" to player else if arg-1 is "help": send "{@prefix}Whitelist Help" to player send action bar "{@hex}Loading..." to player wait 1 second send action bar "" to player wait 10 tick send action bar "{@hex}Loading..." to player wait 10 tick send action bar "" to player send "{@hex}/whitelist help &7&o(sends you this menu)" to player send "{@hex}/whitelist list &7&o(sends you the whitelist)" to player send "{@hex}/whitelist add (user) &7&o(add people to the whitelist)" to player send "{@hex}/whitelist remove (user) &7&o(remove people from the whitelist)" to player send "{@hex}/whitelist on &7&o(turns on the whitelist)" to player send "{@hex}/whitelist off &7&o(turns off the whitelist)" to player else if arg-1 is "list": send "{@prefix}Whitelist&7: %{whitelist::*}%" to player if size of {whitelist::*} is greater than 0 send "{@prefix}Whitelist&7: Empty" to player if size of {whitelist::*} is not greater than 0 else if arg-1 is "add": if arg-2 is not set: send "&c/whitelist help" to player else: if {whitelist::*} contains "%arg-2%": send "&cThis player is already whitelisted!" to player stop else: add arg-2 to {whitelist::*} send "&aYou have added %arg-2% &ato the whitelist!" to player else if arg-1 is "remove": if arg-2 is not set: send "&c/whitelist help" to player else: if {whitelist::*} does not contain "%arg-2%": send "&cThis player is not whitelisted!" to player else: remove arg-2 from {whitelist::*} send "&aYou have removed %arg-2% &afrom the whitelist!" to player else if arg-1 is "on": if {whitelist} is set: send "&cThe whitelist is already on!" to player stop else: set {whitelist} to true send "&aThe whitelist has been turned on!" to all players else if arg-1 is "off": if {whitelist} is not set: send "&cThe whitelist is already off!" to player stop else: delete {whitelist} send "&aThe whitelist has been turned off!" to all players join: {whitelist} is set: {whitelist::*} does not contain "%player%": kick player due to "&cThe server is currently whitelisted!" stop else: player has played before: player has permission "staff.sk": set join message to "&a+ &8| &a%player% &7(&2STAFF&7)" else: set join message to "&a+ &8| &a%player%" else: set join message to "{@hex}&l+ &8| {@hex}%player% &7({@hex}##%number of all offline players%" else: player has played before: player has permission "staff.sk": set join message to "&a+ &8| &a%player% &7(&2STAFF&7)" else: set join message to "&a+ &8| &a%player%" else: set join message to "{@hex}&l+ &8| {@hex}%player% &7({@hex}##%number of all offline players%" quit: if {whitelist} is set: set quit message to "" else: player has permission "staff.sk": set quit message to "&c- &8| &c%player% &7(&2STAFF&7)" else: set quit message to "&c- &8| &c%player%" heres a cool whitelist skript i made, idk I got bored and made it for my server, just give me credit if u use it, dont reply saying this sucks i dont care. have a nice day
  19. no i did the wait 10 tick thinjg so it updates every 10 tick
  20. on join: #this checks when they join while player is online: #this is doing this while they are online so itll stop when they leave wait 1 tick #if you dont wait any time then it will break the server set title of player's scoreboard to "HELLO I AM THE TITLE!!!" #this adds the title of the scoreboard, this doesnt count as a line. set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "HELLO I AM THE FIRST LINE!!!" #thisll set the 1st lise and u can add up to 15 lines set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "HELLO I AM THE SECOND LINE!!!" #thisll set the 2nd line and u can add up to 15 lines toggle player's scoreboard to on #this will turn on the scoreboard I added comments after all the lines so its super easy to understand
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