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How do I save something in a gui?

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I have made a skript where you can create a 1v1 and someone can join it but the 1v1 only shows up for the player that posted it and it only shows up once and I don't know why. I think I need to use a list or a variable.




command 1v1:
    aliases: 1
        set {_start1V1} to chest inventory named "&3Open 1v1's"
        open {_start1V1} to player
        set slot 26 of {_start1V1} to Lime dye named "&2Create a 1v1"
on inventory click:
    if name of event-inventory = "&3Open 1v1's":
        if index of event-slot = 26:
            set {_1v1} to chest inventory named "&3Create a 1v1"
            set slot 13 of {_1v1} to dirt
            open {_1v1} to player
on inventory click:
    if name of event-inventory = "&3Create a 1v1":
        if index of event-slot = 13:
            set {_start1V1} to chest inventory named "&3Open 1v1's"
            set slot 2 of {_start1V1} to Magenta dye named "%player%'s 1v1 1/2"
            open {_start1V1} to player


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