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(solved) add region world guard (or something else) check


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hello , i need to add region check to my script but i tried a lot of stuff but won't work :

on place of sponge:
      if "block under event-location" is air or sponge:
      cancel event

if possible i want it handles duplicate region names in different worlds and with permission luckyblock.place like this script:

# Configuration
    permission: "sponge.place"
    canPlaceOutsideRegion: true

# Dependencies: WorldGuard

# Code

on place of sponge:
    event isn't cancelled
    # Permission check
    if player doesn't have permission {@permission}:
        cancel event
        send "<red>You do not have permission to do this!"

    # Region check
    set {_regions::*} to regions at event-location
    if {_regions::*} is empty:
        delete {_regions::*}
    if {_regions::*} is not set:
        if {@canPlaceOutsideRegion} is true:
        cancel event
        send "<red>You can not place sponge here!"

    # Loop over regions, this will handle overlapping regions
    loop {_regions::*}:
        set {_id} to loop-value
        if {sponge::%{_id}%::%player's uuid%} is not set:
            set {sponge::%{_id}%::%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%} to player's uuid
            set {sponge::%{_id}%::%player's uuid%} to "%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%"

    send "<red>You have already placed sponge in this region!"
    cancel event

on break of sponge:
    event isn't cancelled
    set {_regions::*} to regions at event-location
    loop {_regions::*}:
        set {_id} to loop-value
        # Has a player placed this sponge
        if {sponge::%{_id}%::%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%} is set:
            # Has this player placed the sponge
            if {sponge::%{_id}%::%player's uuid%} is "%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%":
                delete {sponge::%{_id}%::%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%_%x coordinate of event-location%}
                delete {sponge::%{_id}%::%player's uuid%}
            send "<red>That isn't your sponge!"
            cancel event

i'm using skript 2.6.5

Edited by AIGLE25
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i forgot to mark it as solved but i had to remove the if and use %region at event-location%

on right click:
        "%region at event-location%" contains "test"
        if targeted block is sponge:
                cancel event

and how can i mark as solved ?

Edited by AIGLE25
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  • AIGLE25 changed the title to (solved) add region world guard (or something else) check

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