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So far I have this:

command /report <player> <reason>:
    cooldown: 2 minutes
    cooldown message: &fPlease wait &e%remaining time% &funtil you can use this command again!


What code could I add to make it send that the command runner has reported the command argument player for the command argument reason, to every player online with a luckperms rank weight 2 or above?


Hey, you can try this, also add permission "report.recieve" for every permission that you want to get reports after someone report, because for the rank weight is need some special addon..

command /report <player> <text>:
    usage: &cUse: /report <player> <reason>
    cooldown: 2 minutes
    cooldown message: &fPlease wait &e%remaining time% &funtil you can use this command again!
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is online:
                if arg-2 is set:
                    if arg-1 does not have permission "report.bypass":
                        send "&7You have successfully reported &c%arg-1% &7for &c&o%arg-2%&7!" to player
                        set {_e} to executor
                        loop all players:
                            if loop-player has permission "report.recieve":
                                send "&a%{_e}% &7reported &c%arg-1% &7for &c&o%arg-2%" to loop-player
                        send "&cYou can't report this player!" to player
                        cancel the cooldown
                    send "&cIf you want to report a player, add a reason!" to player
                    cancel the cooldown
                send "&cPlayer &c&l%arg-1% &cis not online!" to player
                cancel the cooldown
            send "&cUse: /report <player> <reason>"
            cancel the cooldown


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